Bonus Chapter

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Oops ;).

Word count: 4436

*Five years later*


I stared out of the large window of the kitchen, watching as Finn's wolf was chasing Fincent around the yard. Him laughing, while running around, trying to get away.

I continued washing the dishes, hearing the girls play in the living room.

Yes, Finn and I had had two more kids.

Twin girls.

Jaylin and Josephine.

Who, thankfully resembled me the most. With their black hair and green eyes, even though Jaylin had brown eyes, just like their stupid father.

"Mommy, can we go and play too?" Josephine asked with a pout. "We want to play with daddy too."

"No. You are too young to be running around and chased by a crazy wolf. I promise that when you get older then you will get to run around with daddy as much as you want. Maybe even mommy's wolf."

They furrowed their eyebrows. "But daddy's wolf is much cooler."

I gave them a blank look.

Annoyed because they were sticking up to their father, liking him more than me.

Stupid kids.

"Now you are forbidden from running for more years. You can run when you get your own wolf."

"When?" Jaylin asked.

"You will be around sixteen which means twelve years from now." They looked at me, confused. "Oh, right, you don't even know numbers."

"But why can Fincent run?" they asked in union.

"Because he is older. And smarter, but whatever," I mumbled, making my way to the kitchen again. But I was confused when I looked outside and found Fincent full on sprinting away from Finn.

I didn't even need to think as I went outside, only for Fincent to run straight into me. He clung to my leg, holding onto it tightly. "Mommy, mommy!"

"What is it? Why are you running like that?"

"Daddy is being weird," he exclaimed.

My eyebrows knitted together, not understanding what he was talking about. "What do you mean by weird?"

He gathered in deep breaths because he had been running like crazy. "He is panting and there is drool dripping every second. And he is peeing all the time, everywhere."

I elevated an eyebrow, thinking that he was joking with me. "Peeing?"

"Yes!" he yelled. "He keeps on gasping, looking weirdly at me. And he has dark eyes."

My eyes flashed to my mate, his wolf, and then my eyes widened when I took in the sight of him. He was walking around, panting like crazy, mouth watering and dripping.

If you took one look then you would think that he was tired. Or feeling hot.

But I knew damn well that it wasn't the reason.

I turned away when he peed in the flower setting.

It was a thing that werewolves got when it was mating season. Which started occurring after the mating, heat, once you had a kid even. It would show up from every six months.

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