Chapter 23

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Suggested song for the chapter: "Shame On You" by Jacob Whitesides.

I would put the link here but I'm afraid of copyright. Lol.

Word count: 3285


"Shit. Why did I decide to come here again? What is wrong with me?" I muttered to myself as I continued walking in the woods.

I was trying to find the place where I had found my mate the day before. I needed to find the man's body who Doctor Ronald had talked about, I wanted the family to get closure. I wanted every single person's family -who was in that cave- to get closure.

Even though I knew that it was a very bad idea.

Plus, Finn was not in control.

I just had to find out more about it and I knew that he wouldn't tell me a thing.

So I had to do this on my own.

"Ah!" I screamed as an howl's voice came from behind me. My hand flew to my chest in shock as I turned around and glared at it. "Don't scare people like that. You could've seriously given me an heart attack."

I gave the howl one last glare before continuing my journey.

I couldn't exactly remember where it was and I couldn't tell where I was going.

It was so dark outside. And there were only trees surrounding me and the air was cold for some reason.

I pulled my jacket even tighter around me, as the cold breeze hit my skin. It didn't really help that I was just wearing shorts, a shirt and a jacket.

Every time I stepped, the branches cracked under my shoes.

My heart nearly stopped when I heard a very low growl.

I turned around and once again -just like the day before- saw a white and grey wolf, eating a human being. I nearly gagged at the sight because that is disgusting.

I couldn't help but let out a cough when the smell invaded my senses. And damn, that was gross.

But that caused the beast to turn around. His eyes were dark red and there was like blood coming out of his eyes. It was a terrifying sight. He growled at me, baring his teeth that were also covered in blood.

My whole body trembled as it stared at me.

I didn't even have the chance to react as it shifted, back into my mate. I was in shock because I hadn't really seen him as Finn. But he wasn't Finn, he still had those blood-red eyes, but thankfully they weren't really dripping anymore. He pulled on the pants that were lying on the ground before stalking over to me.

I took a step back because he was so intimidating.

It was like he was a predator and I was his prey.

Or it looked like he wanted to eat me.

And I don't mean that in a dirty way.

He slammed me against a tree, my back came in contact with it. He took a deep breath as he buried his face in my neck. He was inhaling in my scent, as if he was trying to calm himself down, but it wasn't really working. "Mate..."


My breathing became erratic as I felt his lips touch my neck. "Who are you and what have you done to my mate?"

He growled against my neck, a growl that was loud enough to have my ears ringing. "Lenore, I'm surprised that you don't recognize me. I mean, spending so much quality time together, it must make you remember me. Wasn't me marking you fun?"

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