Chapter 33

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Suggested song:
"The Show Must Go On" - Queen

Word count: 4314


I snuggled more into Lenore, burying my face into the crook of her neck. I breathed in her addicting scent which invades all of my senses.

She was just so soft that it would have made me believe that she was a pillow.

I tightened my arms around her, while grinning like a fool.

I wanted to mark her again.

"Mhm. I love you," I whispered to her in my sleep dazed mind.

I didn't give her the chance to react as I sunk my fangs in.

But what happened was what I didn't expect.

I spat the feathers -or whatever they were- out of my mouth, some nearly getting stuck in my throat.

"What the fućk?"

My eyes flashed open and I looked around, only to realize that it was a pillow that I had bit in. Lenore was nowhere in sight. Just an empty bed.

"Len?" I called out, wondering where she was. "Lenore?" I called out more louder.

I sat up in bed, while rubbing my eyes. My head was throbbing and I didn't know why. I grabbed some aspirin, popped some pills in my mouth.

I looked around for Lenore, but was confused when I came up with no sign of her. "Len?" I called out more when I saw that even her favorite book was missing from my desk.

I was about to get off the bed, but then I noticed something. Paper. It was right next to me.

I grabbed it instantly and then opened it and started reading.

Dear Finn,

I know that you maybe be confused right now. I'm guessing that you just woke up and now you're wondering where I am.

And I am so fućking sorry to tell you this. I never wanted this, I didn't want to do this. Please believe me on that.

I rushed through the entire house, searching for her. "Lenore, this is not funny!"

You're probably screaming at every person in your way, taking your anger out on them.

"Get the fućk out of my way! Where is she?" I yelled at someone I didn't even recognize.

I wish I could be there to comfort you. I wish I could hug you, tell you how much I love you, wish that this isn't what happened.

I began shaking with anger, Arsen already going insane in my head, wanting to get out, clawing so hard that it felt like needles were pinched in my brain.

You may start to even hate me. Arsen will probably want to kill me. I know that you're hurting and if you think that this is my way of getting back at you then you're wrong. This is not because of this. Okay, maybe it is a little.

"Fućk!" I screamed as I threw a chair across the room, making Adelia and Javier rush inside the room.

"What the hell, Finn?" Javier was the first one to speak.

I shot them a death look, my eyes were probably black, even blood-red. "Get out! Get the fućk out!"

"What is wrong with you?" Adelia questioned while hiding behind Javier.

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