Chapter 10

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Word count: 5627


I had been lying in bed for hours. Ever since I had woken up around two and now it was past five. I was reading my favorite book right at the moment, just like I had been doing the past three hours. But for an hour, I'd been reading the same page over and over again.

I stole a glance at Finn, who was sleeping next to me. I was sleeping halfway on top of him, my head resting on his bare chest. Finn's hair was a mess on top of his head, sticking out everywhere. The soft, steady breathing that came from him.

His heartbeats were slow, I could hear them.

When I woke up, I uncuffed him and in seconds I was in his arms, he was crushing me against his chest, just like now. The boxers he wore, were riding low on his hips and it showed off his v-line. His mouth was slightly parted, his hot breaths blowing on my head, my hair away from my face.

Then he shifted, tightening his arms around me. I lifted my head and saw that he was opening his eyes slowly.

I pushed away from him and laid on my side of the bed. Finn groaned and rubbed his eyes with the back of his fingers. "What time is it?"

I thought about lying to him for a moment, but then decided against it. "It's past five."

"Damn, I don't remember the last time I slept this long." He laughed, but as he sat up, he fell back and held onto his head. "Oh fućk, why does my head hurt?"

"I don't know," I whispered while turning away from him.

But Finn was faster, he grabbed a hold of my waist and turned me to face him again. "Len, what are you not telling me? Did you do something?"

I bit my lip and looked up at him, into those loving brown eyes. "Yes." Finn gave me a questioning look urging me to tell him. I turned and grabbed the pill bottle from the nightstand, I handed it to him.

He took a look at the tag and then sighed. "Len, what did you do? Did you give me those?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just thought this was the only way to get you to sleep peacefully. And you did sleep all night, with no nightmares and you did not shuffle at all. I'm sorry, I wanted to make it better," I told him.

Finn tilted my head up with his finger. "I don't know if I should be happy or angry. I'm happy because you just wanted to make it better. But the fact that you did it without my knowledge and that you crossed me, it makes me really angry baby."

I saw his pupils dilate as he leaned closer, his eyes were fixated on my lips and then he licked his slowly. "Oh." Then I smirked. "What are you going to do about it?"

An evil grin appeared on his lips. "I want I want to-"

He was cut off by the sudden knock on the door. "Sweetie, are you two okay? It's almost six, we are going to have dinner in an hour."

Finn growled and buried his face in my neck. "Why are we always disturbed?"

I laughed as he kissed my neck. "Don't be grumpy." Then I called out, "We are fine mom!" I heard her say okay, and then walk away. I tried to push Finn off of me, but he only tightened his hold on me. "Finn, get off, we have to get ready."

"But we have an hour, let's not waste it." He pulled away and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed again, but I guess I must have pushed too hard, because that caused him to fall on the floor with a loud thump. I felt bad and wanted to laugh at the same time. "Oh god, I'm sorry!"

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