Chapter 32

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Word count: 4389


I stared at Finn who was sleeping. His head was resting on my stomach, his body was stretched out on the chair.

It reminded me of the moment we met properly.

But was it really the actual moment we met?

Then he stiffened and raised his head, but his eyes widened when he caught me staring at him. "Len?"

I knew that it was time.

"H-Hey," my voice came out hoarse.

Finn gasped, before I was in his arms. "Holy shit!"

I flinched a little but still hugged him back tightly. I coughed a little as he squeezed me, burying his face in my neck. "It's okay, Finn. I'm here."

"I have fućking missed you so much," he whispered in my ear. I felt his tears on my neck before he started shaking. "I love you. I love you so fućking much."

"I know," I murmured back, while running my hands up and down his back. "It's all going to be just fine."

Finn hugged me for a while before he pulled back. "I don't understand what happened to you. I don't-"

I cut him off by framing his face in my hands, cupping his cheeks which had tears streaming down them. "I got scared. Everything just hit me suddenly and I felt like the world was coming down on me. But it's over now, I'm here."

"I-I thought I lost you. I thought you weren't going to wake up. That you were never going to speak again," he admitted and at the end his voice broke. "I don't ever want to go through that again."

"I know. I know, Finn." I felt guilt because of what I was going to do.

Finn instantly thought that it was best to bring me home. He had thought of the idea in less than thirty seconds. He didn't even care when the doctor told him that he didn't think it was the best idea to bring me home so soon. Finn didn't even mind him, but only picked me up. The doctor stopped him before Finn could drag me out of there.

"Get out of my way," Finn ordered the doctor with a glare.

"Alpha, I strongly doubt that this is the best idea. Your mate should at least stay for a check-up."

I looked up at Finn who had his eyes narrowed at the man. "And I strongly doubt that you want to go against me. I'm taking her home and that's final."

The doctor sighed. "Alpha, you need to think rationally. Lenore here was pretty much in a coma for weeks, if you can say that. She needs to be checked out, possibly even see a therapist. Something happened to her which caused the silent treatment. Am I right, Lenore?"

Finn let out a low growl. "Do not speak to her. And if you do then you will only refer to her as Luna or Luna Lenore. Nothing else."

The doctor nodded. "Yes, Alpha. My apologies. But Luna Lenore does need to be checked out. I'm pretty sure that she agrees with me."

I noticed how Finn glanced down at me for a second, before scowling and turning back to the doctor. "She is my mate, which means I say what is best for her. I'm her mate so I know what is good for her well being."

"Then why don't you ask Luna Lenore what she wants?" the doctor questioned.


Both of their attention turned to me, which made me feel awkward. I buried my face in Finn's chest, trying to hide my embarrassment.

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