Chapter 18

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Word count: 5960


I continued staring at the both of them with utter confusion. "What?"

"Damnit, De, you just had to tell them!" Thomas snapped at her.

She rolled her eyes. "They are just kids, Tom."

"So? It doesn't matter. Let them be babies for all I care. We agreed not to let anyone into our home," he argued back.

"Oh, hush. It's not a big deal. You are such a drama queen. You always overreact to everything. Look, they seemed like they needed help."

I cut in before he could respond. "Wait! So you're serious that you two are the couple." She nodded. "Damn. I should've known."

"Yeah. There aren't really other people around. But yeah, that's us. Not what you were expecting, right? I bet you thought we would be some crazy cannibals."

I shook my head. "Actually no. From what I heard, I thought that you were dead because-"

"Yes. We know. Not many people would last living in the woods, but-"

Thomas cut in rudely. "Just tell us why you're here!"

I flinched at his tone.

If he was an alpha then he sure as hell would fit.

I swallowed hard. "Well... you see, my mate is sick."

"And how is that our problem?" he snapped.

Well someone is angry.

"You were sick years ago. Finn... my mate, he marked me and I'm not eighteen yet. And now he has fallen ill and the doctor said that there is no cure," I answered.

Thomas glanced at Finn and I saw his eyes soften for a few seconds, but then it was replaced with anger once again. "So? Still don't see how we could help."

"You seem to be in a perfect condition," I said quickly which he just glared at. "The doctor said that there isn't a cure, but then he told me about you two. And now that I see how well you look then there must be something."

Thomas scoffed. "Perfect isn't the word that I would use."

"Please, will you just help us? Please, the doctor said that my mate has only a few days to live," I begged as I stared at the both of them pleadingly.

Deidre stared up at her mate, who just kept glaring at me. "Thomas-"

"No." He glanced at Finn for a second again and I can swear that I saw something flash in his eyes. "No, we are not helping them. Now get them out of my house since you were kind enough to bring them here."

"You're not being rational. Just look at them. They were us, twenty five years ago. You can't deny that you feel a little bit sorry for them. Look at the boy, Thomas. That was you," Deidre protested.

Thomas kept scowling at us. "I said no. Now please get them the fućk out of my house." When Deidre didn't move, he yelled, "I SAID GET THEM THE FUĆK OUT!"

I covered my ears because that was loud.

His yelling nearly shook the whole house and it made Deidre whimper, but then she straightened up. "Go take a run to calm yourself down or I swear that otherwise you are sleeping outside. Go now," she ushered him which he just glared at.

"I won't fućking care that you're pregnant because I'll-" He cut himself off after glancing at me, and then nodded. "When I get back, they better be gone or otherwise I'll kick them out myself with my feet. And they'll also have scratch marks on them."

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