Chapter 30

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Word count: 2959


I stepped inside the kitchen, then I was already greeted with Adelia and Javier. They were standing there, laughing, but the laughter died down midway as soon as I entered. They both turned to face me instantly, shocked at the sight of me.

"Lenny!" Adelia gasped.

"Hey." I smiled slightly.

Adelia was in shock because it was the first time that I had come out in days. "Holy shit! You look a lot better. How?" Then she rushed over to me and in seconds I was in her arms. "Oh, thank god!"

I buried my face in her neck. "I missed you, Adi."

"Oh my god! How are you? Shit. How are you feeling? I don't understand. How do you look so good?" she questioned while placing her hands on my shoulders.

I was just about to respond, but then I heard a growl come from behind me. I instantly knew who it was when arms were wrapped around me and I was pulled back.

Adelia's and Javier's eyes widened when they saw Finn. "What the hell?"

I breathed in Finn's scent. "Hey, guys."

"What is he doing here? When did he come back?" Adelia asked, but her eyes were narrowed.

I glanced up as Finn tilted his head. "You know I'm right here. Whatever you want to say then you can say it to my face."

"What are you doing here? When did this happen?"

"Last night," I answered.

Adelia glared at Finn. "And why did you come back? Here to torment Lenore even more? You came back just to leave her again? Leave some bite marks maybe?"

It surprised me when Finn growled, it was threatening. "I came back for Lenore. Only for her."

"Really?" Adelia scoffed. "You left because for her also. I mean, you're such a great mate, by leaving her."

"Shut the fućk up!" Finn snapped, growling at Adelia even more, his arms tightening around me.

I didn't have a good feeling about this.

Adelia tilted her head and pouted. "Maybe you just wanted sèx? Were you tired of being a virgin? Wanted to take Lenore's virginity also? Did you grow tired of being in the fućking woods, were you heartbroken? On the verge of dying? Just like Lenore!"

None of us had to react before Finn had grabbed a hold of Adelia by her throat.

"Finn!" I gasped.

"Oh, wow. Such a great achievement for your first day back. Already attacking people?"

"Adelia, stop it!" I yelled, trying to get them to stop. Javier could only stare with his mouth wide open.

Finn leaned close and I felt fear when I saw his claws start to come out. "I suggest you to shut the fućk up."

"Why? You going to hurt me, show Lenny the real you? Yeah, she told us about the cave? That's sick, you know that, right? You just want to keep hurting Lenny, because that's just who you are," Adelia exclaimed.

Finn's hand tightened around her neck. "Adelia, don't make me hurt you."

"Do it and you'll just prove that I'm right. Because I am, you know it."

My heartbeat quickened when I smelled blood and I nearly fainted when I saw Finn's claws were digging into Adelia's neck a little. "F-Finn, let her go."

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