Chapter 47

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Word count: 3419


My eyes slowly opened and I looked around.

"What the hell?" I questioned as I blinked multiple times.

The room was completely white.

I was confused when I discovered that I was in a hospital room.


Slowly, I sat up on the bed, looking around.

My eyebrows furrowed when I saw the tubes that were attached to my body. And I didn't even think twice as I lifted the hospital gown up, only for my eyes to widen when I found a huge bandage being wrapped around my upper stomach.

The room was quiet, only could be heard my breathing and the monitor beeping.

Slumping back on the bed, as flashbacks hit me.

I could remember the night before what had happened.

From escaping the basement to the moment in the woods.

When I had gotten shot.

Out of instinct, I placed a hand on my stomach.

And I waited a second, waiting for a beat.

My heart nearly dropped in my chest, when I didn't feel anything.

But then relief washed over me as I suddenly felt it.

A kick.

I breathed out deeply, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Then realization hit me and I looked around for Finn.

But my heartbeat quickened when I saw no sign of him.

"Finn?" I called out.

No answer.

I tried to mind-link him, but received no answer.

I was beginning to get worried.

But then the door was opened.

"Finn, oh thank—"

I cut myself off when I saw that it wasn't Finn.

But Doctor Ronald.

He smiled at me as he walked into the room with a folder in his hands. "Hello, Lenore, lovely to see that you're awake."

"What is going on?"

Doctor Ronald raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember?"

"No. I mean I remember everything that happened, but I just don't understand how I got here."

He flipped a page of the folder. "Well, you were found lying on the ground in front of the hospital, this morning. You had been shot in the stomach, but thankfully it didn't hit any important parts."

"Is my baby okay?" I asked.

Doctor Ronald gave me the warmest smile ever. "Yeah. He's okay."

I let out a breath of relief while grinning down at my stomach. "Thank god." But then I asked, "So, where is Finn? Where is my mate?"

"What?" he questioned, confusion lacing his voice. "I don't know."

My eyes widened. "He wasn't with me?"

Doctor Ronald shook his head. "No. Why?"

I froze when I remembered that I had blacked out before I had seen what had happened to him.

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