Chapter 42

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The last mature content in this book :(.

Word count: 4186


I was woken up to my head throbbing.

"What the hell?" I questioned with a groan.

I was confused by the hard but at the same time soft surface behind me.

My eyes widened as I looked down, being met with skin. I realized that I was lying on top of Finn.

Correction, a naked Finn.

I blinked rapidly several times, trying to get back to focus. I discovered that I was spread over Finn, crossed. My stomach was on his, head was resting on his legs, my legs were in his face. And let's just not mention what was under my chest.

Groaning in the weirdest voice possible, I slowly got off of him, only to flop down by his side. "Shit."

I jumped as a couple of seconds later, a grunt came from next to me. I looked over and found Finn opening his eyes slowly, while glimpsing around. "What on earth—"

"Good morning!" I cheered, only for my head to ache at my loud voice. "Damn."

"Lenore, shut up," he grumbled while throwing a pillow over his face.

I slumped down, continuing to lay on top of him, head resting on his legs. "You look like shit."

"So do you," he mumbled with a grunt.

"That was a hot sound."

Finn removed the pillow for a second to glare at me, but his eyes held a naughty glint. "Seriously? You're telling me that at... what time is it even?"

"I have no fućking clue. I think I have lost the ability to tell time because of how long I've been here," I muttered. "And can you please stop growing under my boobs. They really don't like it."

"They?" he questioned with laughter in his voice.

I groaned as I rolled off the bed, only to fall face first to the ground. "Shit."

My eyes widened as I took in the state of the floor. There were bottles lying everywhere, one had been broken and was in tiny shards. Clothes were in every corner.

I nearly gagged when I felt something sticky under my hand, only to make a disgusted voice when I saw what it was. "Ew. That belongs to you."

I didn't even think twice as I threw it in Finn's face. He shut his eyes, looking at me in disbelief. "Please tell me that you are seriously not throwing my own seed at me? In my fućking face."

I shrugged as I sat up, feeling too uncovered. And when I took in the sight of myself, I was shocked to discover that I was fully naked. I shrieked as I attempted to cover myself with my arms, stumbling back to the bed, covering my body with the sheets.

Finn rolled his eyes at my weird movements. "It's honestly nothing that I haven't seen before."

"Why am I naked? Why are you naked? What the hell happened last night?" I questioned dramatically.

"As far as I remember, it was you that wanted to play Never have I ever, with a simple rule. Which was stripping and let's just say that we both ended up naked. And we got wasted."

It felt as if there was a black hole in my mind that was dying to get pieces together. "I've never even drank before, so why would I—" I cut myself off as I suddenly remembered. "Oh."

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