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Every remaining day that Maybumi had before she'd leave for America was spent with Kageyma.

Though, she definitely didn't ignore the calls from her brother, or Bokuto and Kuroo. All of them were a bit sad that she'd be leaving, but also very happy for her given that she'd been offered such an incredible opportunity.

Kageyma was up later than usual when he heard gentle strumming of a guitar from the living area of his parents home.

He wandered quietly toward the noise and found Maybumi playing the guitar that he'd bought her.

He could only assume that the song she was singing wasn't hers, given that the gender rolls of the song didn't match her own identity or sexuality.

It was something about "Annabelle's Homework" and it was actually very soothing. He stayed in his place, hidden away behind her as she played and sang softly.

Eventually she tired of the tune and gently put the guitar down, glancing over her shoulder to signify that she was aware Kageyma was watching her.

She settled a bit more comfortably onto the couch when Kageyma came to sit beside her.

She expected him to turn on the TV and for the two of them to sit in confortable silence like they usually did, but instead, he seemed a bit more on edge than usual and let out an exasperated sigh.

"What's troubling you?" She asked, turning on the TV herself but keeping the volume low so not to disturb their conversation.

She knew what to expect from him when he began to hesitate, thinking for a few moments as if contemplating keeping whatever it was to himself.

But finally, he decided to just get it over with.

"I'm not sure I really want you to leave for America." He suddenly said. He was aware of how selfish it must've sounded, and refused to look at May, though he could feel her eyes on him.

She wasn't surprised, and she didn't blame him at all.

"I understand." She replied softly, gently grabbing his hand. Still unused to the physical contact, he felt his cheeks heat up a bit, but squeezed her hand back, finally gaining to courage to allow his eyes to meet hers.

"Once you leave I'll be alone here again." He huffed. Though he was just teasing, there was still a good bit of truth to that statement. With parents usually away at work, Kageyma was left by himself at any given time when he wasn't playing volleyball with the team.

May was giving him a sympathetic look, before she suddenly grabbed his face, catching him by surprise when she leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

Of course, there probably wasn't a better time to do that.

He tensed at first, eyes wide, but he slowly began to relax into the kiss, awkwardly finding his body trying to respond to the gentle act of affection.

Once they parted, she remained rested comfortably against his warm body.

"As long as I'm alive, you still won't be alone."

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora