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The next afternoon Takeda paced anxiously while the boys practiced. He'd informed Ukai of the possibility that Maybumi might join, and begged him to not pressure her to speak.

Takeda knew that there had to be a deeper reason for her being mute that was far beyond ignorance.

Ukai had reluctantly agreed.

Kiyoko was happy that she might be receiving help, but she hadn't quite grasped the concept that her partner wouldn't speak.

When the door opened with a loud screech against the floor, Takeda was surprised to see Maybumi walk into the gym with a look of indifference plastered across her face.

She walked towards Takeda and handed him the slip, and watched in pure and utter annoyance as his face lit up.

"Is she joining?" Ukai asked Takeda, glancing to Maybumi for a moment. Takeda nodded, and Ukai blew his whistle, calling the team over.

May had quit a few horrid and mean thoughts about the group of boys once they approached.

"Team, this is Maybumi Kiyuku, from this day forward she will be your new assistant manager." Ukai said.

Tanaka raced forward, ogling her. "ANOTHER ONEEE!!!" He cheered as he tried to wrap her in his arms.

She stepped out of his way multiple times, and dodged him until he tripped over his own feet and fell on his face. She looked at him as though he was stupid, and this earned some light chuckles from the rest of the team while Tanaka laid on the ground, wallowing in his pool of embarrassed.

"So, Maybumi, tell us a little about yourself." Ukai requested, receiving an open mouthed look of shock from Takeda.

"What are you doing?" Takeda whisper yelled at Ukai.

"Relax, the kid can speak, she just doesn't want to."

Maybumi kept her abstinence of speech as she scrutinized the team before she grabbed her bag and headed for the girls locker rooms.

Ukai's soul nearly left his body.

She didn't bat a lash, or become flustered or embarrassed.

Takeda was shocked too.

"Is she mute or something?" Noya asked, receiving a slight nudge from Asahi.

"Doesn't matter, I'd still confess to her!" Tanaka drooled.

"The principal said that she doesn't talk... so I'm not really sure what she'll contribute to you all." Ukai said.

"Eh?" The boys all said at once.

A few minutes after practice began again, she exited the girls locker room wearing regular clothes.

A white T-shirt, tucked lazily into a pair of high waisted blue skinny jeans, which were accompanied by a pair of white vans.

She had her notebook and pen at the ready as she sat down on the bench next to Takeda-Sensei and Kiyoko-Senpai, taking notes regarding the boys most of the day.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now