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Friday finally rolled around, and the boys had become well aware of how Maybumi always arrived at the gym conveniently thirty minutes late every day.

They all knew that it surely didn't take that long to get to the gym from her final class of the day, so when Hinata came blazing in, his sneakers squeaking against the floor as he skidded to a stop, everyone suspected that he'd figured it out.

"I KNOW WHY MAYBUMI IS ALWAYS LATE! FOLLOW ME BUT STAY QUIET!" He yelled. All the boys looked at each other before running along behind Hinata.

They crept through the halls until they got to the music room, and Hinata signaled for everyone to be silent.

They could all hear someone strumming random lines on a guitar, as if getting adjusted for what they wanted to actually play.

The boys all crowded around the door and were surprised to see May sitting on a stool, with an acoustic guitar in her hands.

She changed from just randomly strumming to playing the tune of "Youth" by Daughter.

They were all kind of hoping that she would begin singing along, but she didn't. She just played comfortably.

They couldn't help but admit that she was very good.

They wondered why she didn't sign up for band, but assumed that maybe she had better things to do and this was simply just a hobby of hers.

When the song ended she brushed a hand through her hair and sat down the guitar, standing up.

All of the boys scurried the get away, but tripped over each other, all of them crashing into the ground.

Of course she heard the loud slaps of skin hitting the concrete school floor, but they were all hoping that by some miracle she hadn't.

But that hope was drained when Kageyama yelled "HINATA, YOU DUMBASS!"

They all tried to get to their feet and run away, but it was too late.

May exited the room and stared at all of them, who were all conveniently blocking the way out by their pile on the floor.

May didn't give a single indication of any emotion as she began walking on them, stepping on their backs.

Truth be told, it didn't hurt given that she was a very petite girl.

Until she stepped on Tanaka's stomach and they all heard him groan.

She didn't even look at him as she finally passed all the boys, and began walking to gym.

Once the boys all composed themselves and got back to gym, May was harassed none stop by all of them (except Tsukishima) and harshly dodged all of them, swerving out of their reach and heading into the girls locker room.

Once she emerged wearing her typical after school clothes, Kageyama even came up to her.

"You're... good. At playing guitar." He said with his typical scowl.

When Maybumi offered no reaction, he walked back onto the court for more practice.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now