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Maybumi has always considered dependency to be a disgusting feature, and would rather die than ever depend on anyone for anything.

And yet, while she stood leaning against the end board of her bed and observing herself in the mirrors plastered across her wall bedroom wall, she could only feel dependent.

For what, she wasn't particularly sure. She granted herself the slightest bit of assurance that perhaps she was lonely.

Which she admitted rather quickly.

She enjoyed being alone, and despised crowds, but when she was alone in her room with nothing to do besides soak in her own self-loathing, she wondered what would be better...

Would it be easier to be surrounded by strangers and hate the situation so much that it offers a reasonable distraction from her own mind?

Or perhaps to sit alone in the place she feels most comfortable while tearing herself apart cell by cell?

Who was she to decide, when her mind was torn in all directions.

"MAYBUMI, ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL!" She heard her adoptive father yell from downstairs, his rough voice echoing down the halls of the bleak house.

Soon a second voice followed with, "Do you have to yell? We aren't deaf." Seethed from behind gritted teeth that belonged to May's adoptive mother.

"Well maybe she would say something back if for once you put in some effort." The man responded equally low and threatening as May began gathering her things into her bag from the safety of her own bedroom.

"She is not my fault!" Her mother muttered with a reddening face as May opened her bedroom door and exited.

She wasn't distraught that her selfishness was tearing her family apart.

Tch, family. Yet another concept that she despised.

She never chose these people, and she unfortunately was forced into a home with people she hated beyond rational means.

But, maybe she shouldn't blame them. Maybe it's not their fault.

But as soon as the sympathetic thought crossed her mind she pushed it away.

She was silent and rushed as she exited the house, trying to duck out of sight to leave for school as her parents argument escalated.

As soon as she entered Karasuno she made a point to step out of everyone's way and narrowly avoided any run ins.

She didn't like when people apologized for walking into her, because then they would expect a response. Not that it mattered very much.

Most people that had unpleasant run ins with her all agreed that she was a selfish bitch with nothing better to do than tantalize people with her silence.

A boy had once confessed to her, thinking that she was intriguing, and he'd been shot down by her silence like many before him that had dared to approach Maybumi.

In fact, she hadn't said a word, only turned around and walked away as he yelled bewildering insults at her from behind her back.

She rounded the corner as she neared her first class of the school day, where she saw Takeda-Sensei passing around fliers for the volleyball team.

Of course, he was making a horrendous scene and scaring all of the students away while he nervously shoved fliers in every passer byers face.

May began walking to her classroom, and she too was stopped by Takeda who offered her a flier.

She gave no reaction and just stared at him while he waved it around and talked none stop about something she wasn't listening to.

Rather than earn herself a detention, though she rather unexpected it from Takeda, she took a flier from his hands and continued walking to class.

She briefly observed the flier before tucking it into her bag and became aware that it was an assistant managers form for the boys volleyball club.

She was quick to dismiss any hope that it could be particularly interesting helping out a group of obnoxious teen piglets.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now