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That night Yuki stopped by May's house, and was distraught.

May let Yuki sit on her bed with a questioning look.

"They're fighting again." She said quietly.

Yuki's parents had a long history of getting especially violent. And Yuki didn't adjust to it like May did.

She wanted them to stop, to be okay. She was scared that one day it would go too far, and someone would take notice.

May gave her a sympathetic look.

"Could you say something? Please?" Yuki said quietly. "I just need someone to tell me it's okay..."

'You know I can't.' May thought.

"May, please..." Yuki said shakily.

May did the only thing she could and gently grabbed Yuki's hands, giving her a nurturing look.

"I don't know how much of it I can take." She said, the tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.

'It'll be okay...' May thought, though she didn't say a word.

"Dad is hitting mom again, and then she's hitting me..." she said. "And I see them both sneaking out at all hours of the night. I think mom had a man over the other night."

May could feel Yuki squeezing her hands.

"It hurts so much..." she cried softly.

'I know. But it'll be okay, you'll be okay...'

"I feel so lost right now, May." She hiccuped. "Please, talk to me." She begged.

She suddenly yanked her hands away, burying her head in her hands before getting up, both hurt and angry.

"Say something, Damnit!" She snapped.

May looked down.

"I'm always there for you and you can't even talk to me." She said quietly, leaving May's room and slamming the door.

'Wait... Yuki... I'm sorry.'

May could hear her speed off down the road in her car.


The boys were walking toward the gym when Hinata asked a certain question that caught their attention.

"Hey, have any of you seen May?" He asked. The boys all looked at each other and realized that they hadn't. "Do you think she's okay?" He asked, worrying himself.

"I'm sure she's fine, dumbass." Kageyama rolled his eyes as they all headed into the gym.

Before they could even get into the locker room they noticed something was different about today.

Ukai and Takeda looked deep in thought, and worried.

And then over the PA system they heard the principals voice.

"Hello, students, good afternoon. I'm calling the PA system to make an announcement." He said. "Unfortunately, last night Yukimura Sakura was involved in a fatal car crash. The memorial service to honor her memory will be held this Friday." The principal said.

At first the boys wondered if it was real.

May's best friend... was gone.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now