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A couple of weeks passed and nothing interesting really happened, until the boys stopped by the Karasuno gym and saw May and Yuki playing music inside.

Her large Doberman was laying on the floor at May's feet comfortably.

"OOOH DOG!" Tanaka said excitedly, but quickly jumped back when Hulk growled at him.

While May played guitar with Yuki, Kageyama passed by and gave the dog a gentle pat.

But then Tsukki walked past, and all of the boys were surprised when hulk suddenly stood up and began licking his hands furiously.

Tsukki quickly pulled away and looked at the dog disgustedly.

"Ya know, they say dogs can sense who their owners soulmate is." Yamaguchi teased as him and Tsukki headed onto the court.

But the other boys took it seriously.

Especially considering that they'd mostly all been trying to figure out who her soulmate is.

Tsukki made a face as he headed onto the court.

The game progressed, and the dog kept a close eye on Tsukki for some reason.

The boys were well aware of it at this point, and Noya was nearly at the point of exploding with curiosity.

"TSUKKI!" He suddenly said. "Do you think maybe May is your soulmate!?" He asked.

"Ugh, absolutely not." Tsukki said.

"Well, she could be. You never know until you see her soul mark." Yamaguchi inquired.

Tsukki rolled his eyes and pulled up his sleeve, revealing half of a white cat.

"I don't think that corresponds with her at all. So get the thought out of your head." He said.

The boys reluctantly agreed, because May didn't seem like a white cat. She seemed more like a pigeon, hilariously enough.



Being alone in her room, May was forced to confront her demons again.

Like most nights, the part of her that felt anything at all cowered in the darkest and furthest corner of the room in her mind, covering her face and ears as she tried to block out the sounds.

The screaming, the cussing, the crying.

The thoughts that she wasn't worth the time that it was taking for suga to look after her, the trouble that the team was going through to communicate with her.

She lightly fought back.

'I want the be happy...' she cried.

'Well too bad...' her demons whispered back. They intoxicated her, and suffocated her.

Part of her wanted to die on this night.

Part of her wanted it to all just stop until she could get it together again.

Part of her wanted it to be an accident.

And part of her wanted someone to notice, and save her.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now