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Kageyama began following May around pretty much anywhere she went.

The boys definitely noticed, and teased him relentlessly, but Kageyama was more irritated by the fact that May didn't mind when she accidentally made skin contact any of the other boys, but absolutely avoided getting too close to Kageyama at embarrassing and extensive costs.

The next opportunity that Kageyama got, he stopped her in the gym and seemed to shift uncomfortably a bit.

"Uh, this Saturday would you maybe wanna meet up somewhere?" He asked. "J-just us, I mean." He stuttered.

May gave him a dumbfounded expression before raising an eyebrow and walking away.

Kageyama was left red faced and embarrassed, and quite frankly, pissed off.

The day went on, and May left for practice that afternoon a little earlier than usual.

On his way home Kageyama felt his phone buzz in his pocket and saw Maybumi's contact pop up.

"Do you still want to hang out on Saturday?" She asked. Kageyama was quick to reply and probably sounded more eager than he anticipated.

May had given him a new cake shop that she'd been wanting to visit, and asked him if he was okay meeting there. He agreed and they discussed a time.

The rest of the week flew by, and eventually Kageyama was there at the shop. He walked in and saw May sitting at a booth toward the back and writing in her notebook.

He awkwardly took a seat in front of her and felt his face heat up as she looked at him and smiled softly.

He broke the awkward silence by asking a few questions that had been on his mind.

"..So when did you get into music and art?" He asked nervously.

May seemed to stop and think for a moment before returning her attention to her notebook. She wrote something down before showing it to Kageyama.

"I've always like Music and art, they're both a very good escape from the real world. What are you interested in bedsides volleyball?" It read.

Kageyama managed to muster a response. "Uh... I guess I like music." He replied. "Besides that there's food... and sleep." He said.

May smiled softly and wrote "me too~" before Kageyama let the awkward silence begin to set in.

Suddenly, May wrote something else down.

"Why did you ask me to hangout?"

Kageyama didn't really know how to respond without sounding like a total idiot.

"I- Uh... Just wanted a change from the other guys on the team." He sputtered out, becoming flustered.

May took notice to his nervousness and stifled a laugh.

The rest of the time at the shop they ate and May replied to what he said with notes.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now