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gastric dilatation volvulus.

That's what Hulk was suffering from.

"Uh... what's that?" Daichi asked as he sat in one of the chairs of the checkup room.

"Well, it means hulk's stomach has twisted in an unnatural way, causing him extreme pain, which is why he's having problems moving or eating." The Vet said as she gently petted the dog.

May quickly began writing on a whiteboard she brought with her.

'What's the treatment?' She wrote.

"A surgery should fix him up, usually that does the trick and we shouldn't have to see him again. That'll cost around a thousand dollars to complete. We can take him in tonight and keep him for a few days." The nurse said.

The boys could see May become anxious as she wrote something else down.

'I can't afford that.' It read.

Daichi began furiously texting Kageyama and telling him that he might be able to cover the surgery with some help.

Kageyama at first wasn't so sure.

"In that case..." the Vet sighed. "The best option for Hulk at this point is to euthanize him."

May's face paled a bit as she glanced nervously at her dog.

That was all it took for Kageyama to agree.

"We'll pay for it." Kageyama spoke up, looking at the vet.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Kageyama and Daichi nodded.

They knew Hulk meant to world to May. She put in a lot of time and effort to keep him properly trained. He was her best friend, maybe even more so than Yuki.

She'd spent days and hours perfecting every last detail of hulk.

She trained him, and fed him, and exercised him.

She didn't deserve for so much love and hard work to be put to waste.

May was shocked to hear that Kageyama and Daichi would pay for the surgery.

'You'd do that for me?' She wrote.

"Of course we would." Daichi said quickly.

"He means a lot to you, doesn't he?" Kageyama asked with his typical cold tone.

May graciously nodded, getting up and hugging Hulk, who managed a pitiful tail wag.

After she got done cuddling with her beloved companion, she threw her arms around Daichi, roughly swaying him back and forth.

He awkwardly hugged her back, understanding that was her form of "thank you."

Kageyama wasn't surprised when he only got a bright smile.

Though it did make his cheeks heat up the slightest bit.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now