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The next day a guy named yogi showed up asking for May, who wasted no time wrapping her arms around him.

Then another boy showed up and threw May over his shoulder, carrying her into the gym as he introduced himself to some of the curious players.

"So are YOU her soulmate?" Noya asked, just plain annoyed at this point.

Maikeru-Kun choked as he sat May down who had a contorted expression of disgust on her face.

"IM HER BROTHER YOU SICK FREAK-" He yelled, Kuroo and Bokuto started to laugh their asses off. "Anyways— I came to support my little sister." He smiled brightly, wrapping an arm around Maybumi.

"Quick, Kuroo, Bokuto, save her from the overprotective vegetable!" Yogi shouted as they all grabbed hold of May, putting her up on their shoulders and racing off while Maikeru raced after them.



Later that night the girls subjected May to an awful session of forcing her into clothes that she typically wouldn't wear.

The jeans she had on were black and very tight, and underneath them she had on a maroon bodysuit. Also very tight.

They also took down her usually braided hair and let it fall down her back.

To top it all off they put her in a pair of strapped black heels, forcing her inside the gym where the boys were playing volleyball again.

Mai and Yuki laughed loudly to get the boys attention.

Kuroo was the first to look and see May, and didn't even react to getting hit in the face with a ball.

"Whoa-" He said, getting the other guys attention.

Bokuto and Noya practically ran over to May, gushing about how pretty she is while the other girls giggled.

May didn't look at anyone, given how incredibly uncomfortable she was.

She was surrounded by most of the boys who were complimenting her profusely.

"Yo, What are you-" Maikeru cut himself off as he pushed through the crowd of boys, and the girls giggles quickly subsided. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING YOUNG LADY!?" He yelled.

Yogi quickly stepped in front of Maikeru and Kuroo and Bokuto look that opportunity to grab her hands.

"Run!" They said in unison while yogi smirked at Maikeru.

May took off with the boys, letting go of Bokuto to wave at her brother before they disappeared.

"MAYBUMI KIYOKU IF YOU DONT GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" He yelled as he went after them.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora