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The next day Hulk and Maybumi got to be alone, and May was hoping that it would remain quiet and still, until her phone rang.

She saw "MOM" lighting up the screen and hesitantly answered.

"Heyyy babbyyyy—" she slurred. "Wanna come o-over? Maybe drink a little? C'mon... I know you wanna..." she said.

May sighed at the realization that she was drunk.

She didn't say anything before hanging up and picking up her bag, heading back to the house and locking Hulk up, heading to her biological mom's apartment.


Two weeks came and went and no one had seen or heard from May.

Daichi had managed to get her adoptive parents address and convinced the team to join him to go check up on May.

When they knocked on the door, they were shocked by the state of the woman who answered the door.

Dressed in a tank top and baggy booty shorts with a cigarette in hand, Maybumi's adoptive mother cane to par.

She had a busted lip and bruised eye.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" She said gruffly.

"WHO IS IT!?" A male voice yelled from another part of the house.

The boys all shared skeptical looks. "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" The woman yelled back.

"U-um... we were wondering if Maybumi is home? She hasn't been to school and we're worried." Daichi said.

The women stared at them for a few seconds. "Well, when you find her, tell that brat to get her ass back home." The woman hissed.

Daichi looked at her expectantly and the woman stared back.

Eventually she broke the awkward silence by sighing. "She's at her biological moms place." She huffed.

The boys looked at each other again.

Daichi raised an eyebrow, not sure how exactly to address the situation.

All of the boys started to pity May.

"Do you want the address?" She asked. Daichi looked at Kageyama who was standing beside him, before looking back at the woman and nodding.

The woman rolled her eyes annoyedly and closed the door. They could hear some shuffling, and paper tearing before she opened the door again.

"This is it." She said with a scowl, handing the slip to Kageyama.

But before he could put his arm down, she saw his soul mark and roughly grabbed his forearm, twisting it so she could see the mark properly, and her eyes seemed to darken.

"I've seen that on someone else before." She said. Her nails were uncomfortable digging into his skin, and he was gritting his teeth.

Her eyes met his before she let him go, flicking her cigarette into the rose bush next to the door and then slamming it in all of their faces.

"What was that about?" Hinata asked Kageyama.

"How am I supposed to know? Dumbass..." Kageyama snapped.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now