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May had hardly paid any attention to the practice games the rest of the week, and had been informed by Suga and Daichi that the coming weekend the boys would have access to the gym, Incase she wanted to stop by.

She decided maybe she should, just as a distraction.

She snuck out of Suga's house early in the morning and headed toward the school, stopping by the music room and taking one of the keyboards and heading into the gym since she was there relatively early.

She headed up onto the landing of the gym, far above the floor, and left the door open and the lights off as she plugged in the keyboard and began playing softly.

Kageyama and Hinata were the first to arrive at the gym, and Hinata was confused by why Kageyama told him to shut up and listen.

They could then hear the soft playing from inside the gym.

They slowly and quietly entered the gym, and heard soft humming harmonizing with the keys.

May was laying on the floor with her eyes closed above the gym in the stand with the keyboard against her stomach while she played.

Kageyama was entranced, and Hinata was noticing.

About midway through the day a girl rushed into the gym yelling something along the lines of. "MAYBUMI!!!!" Before engulfing the girl in her arms.

The boys were shocked to see May hug the girl back.

"Uh, who's-" Daichi was cut off.

"THE NAMES YUKIMURA SAKURA! But you can just call me Yuki!" She said happily. They could all see that Yuki and May were polar opposites.

"Nice ta meet ya!" She said over and over again as she forcefully shook everyone's hand. When she looked back at Maybumi her face contorted.

"Why'd you grow your hair out?" She snorted. May didn't give a response.

"She had short hair?" Akane asked, coming up beside Tanaka.

"YES! Wanna see!?" She asked as she brought out her phone. The boys were hoping for some material they could use to tease May, but instead, each picture was stunning. In the first picture May had a pixie cut, but as the pictures continued forward, her hair got longer, and changed styles a few times.

The boys even caught glimpses of expressions on May's face in some of the photos.

"UGH, she's so pretty I could cry!" Yuki said as she shoved her phone back in her pocket before throwing an arm around May.

"So are you like.. a photographer?" Noya asked. Yuki thought for a second.

"Aspiring, I haven't quite made it yet!" She said. She was quite happy for someone who hadn't yet accomplished their goals.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now