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Kageyama stayed up all night texting May, despite her multitude of warnings that he wouldn't be his best at practice the following day.

She was right, because when she happened across him in the hall he looked like a zombie with dark circles.

Of course, she'd predicted as much, and when she came to his side she aided him with an energy drink, and received a flustered thanks.

Kageyama was oblivious to the strange looks they were getting in the hallway as they walked side by side, him talking softly to her and her giving facial expressions as responses.


The days passed, and the boys were becoming more and more suspicious of May and how close she was getting to Kageyma.

Of course, they'd teased him about it, and considering how much of an awful liar he is, he simply avoided anything to do with the topic altogether.

It was one faithful afternoon when May was returning to school late afternoon after visiting her mom in rehab, and she wandered into the gym, taking a seat beside the coach and smiling when she caught Kageyama's eyes.

She'd figured out by now that he rarely smiled, so she was satisfied with the small nod she got in return.

The boys took a brief break not too long after and Kageyma sauntered over to the bench, sitting next to May as he worked on his water bottle.

She wasted no time leaning against his side.

Of course, this coaxed a slight blush from him along with averted eyes. It also provoked teasing from most of the other boys on the team.

The more that Kageyma was finding it hard to ignore them, or briefly tell them to drop the subject, the more annoyed Maybumi was becoming altogether.

She had absolutely no intention of telling the boys that the two were soulmates, and she definitely wasn't completely sure about talking yet, but she was absolutely becoming infuriated with the none stop accusations.

She'd managed to look past it however, considering most of the boys weren't smart enough to really irk her, until Tsukki, most likely the only boy with a high enough IQ to think up a sour one liner, began to join in.

"Well, it's not like he could possibly get a girlfriend, so... lewd intent perhaps? Maybe he's holding her hostage." He teased, keeping a cold exterior and not even bothering to think deeply into what he'd said.

Of course, May at first rolled her eyes.

But the idiots of the volleyball team of course read into the stupid comment a bit too much and began to panic as if it were true.

"A-A-ARE YOU THREATENING MAYBUMI SO SHE'LL BE NICE TO YOU?" Hinata shouted while he stood stiffly, his body trembling as he attempted to stand strong.

"YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING LEWD THINGS TO OUR SWEET LITTLE MAY! ILL KICK YOUR ASS!" Tanaka shouted, holding up his index finger for enfaces.

With every word, Kageyma's face was getting redder and he found it harder and harder to defend the two's awkward and sudden position as "close friends".

May suddenly stood up from the bench, Kageyma keeping a close yet subtle eye on her and she stepped in front of him with a harsh glare.

The boys all jumped back with a grimace, ready to race away at the sight of her icy lour alone.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth.

"Shut the hell up, and quit acting stupid." She hissed gruffly, crossing her arms and averting her eyes annoyedly.

Let's just say the following three hours (possibly longer) were absolute chaos.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora