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On Monday May had to join the boys at training camp with a few other school teams.

They were all surprised when Bokuto of all people ran up to May who was picked up and spun around. She even smiled brightly at him and hugged him briefly before the schools started practicing against each other.

Of course, Karasuno was getting their ass kicked. After about their twentieth time running up the hill and with the light slowly leaving the sky, Asahi noticed something strange.

Maybumi and Yuki were huddled at the side of the building, both smoking while Yuki talked and May listened.

"Is she smoking?" Hinata asked, his jaw dropping.

"Gross..." Kageyama muttered.

"She's still hot." Noya drooled.

When the day came to an end, Kageyama was heading toward the room the boys were sleeping in when he passed Maybumi with a cigarette in her hand.

"Another one?" He asked with his typical scowl. She glanced at him, trying to ignore his presence.

"That's really bad for you. Not to mention unattractive. What would your soulmate say?" He huffed. She rolled her eyes, though he couldn't see her do so.

'Well no shit, Sherlock.' She thought.

She tossed the cigarette and watched it hit the grass before heading off toward the teachers room where Her, Yuki, and Kiyoko would be staying along with Ukai and Takeda.

Kageyama watched her as she walked off, and shook the thought from his mind as he too headed off to bed.

The next day suga and the boys were gathering up trash.

"So you knew that she smoked?" Tsukki asked, not that he really cared.

"Well, yeah." Suga shrugged helplessly.

"Dude, it's not a secret." Kuroo commented as him and Kenma passed the other guys.

"I can't believe she smokes... isn't she a first year?" Asahi asked.

Suga nodded.

"Well if you catch her smoking again, tell me and I'll put a stop to it." Daichi said.

The boys all tossed the trash into the bag, and left Suga to take it out.

He wandered outside and tossed the bag into the bin, and the top popped open.

He groaned in annoyance, grabbing the ties and going to close to bag again, but noticed something strange.

He saw May's cigarette pack, almost completely full, and her lighter.

Suga thought back to earlier in the day when Hinata leaked that Kageyama had talked to her about it.

"Huh, I guess he got through to her." Suga muttered as he tied the bag off.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now