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After the boys lost nationals a couple of quiet weeks passed. Eventually they all received invitations to the "VolleyBALL" which was a dance for school teams in the region to show support for one another.

Hinata and Noya specifically had begged May to attend, and she'd eventually decided that she would.

But it was going on an hour into the Ball and she wasn't there, and the boys were getting worried. They'd tried texting her but hadn't even gotten a read receipt.

Suddenly, the door opened into the dimly lit and crowded place filled with girls in nice dresses and volleyball players in uniform.

And in came Maybumi, in an elegant black gown and black heels. She didn't have any makeup on besides mascara, and her hair was down and curled.

She had a bag with her, and when she saw Daichi she smiled brightly before making a gesture that asked if she could put her bag with his.

He allowed her, and the boys surrounded her quickly.

"YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Noya yelled, grabbing onto May's hands and jumping excitedly. She offered a gentle smile before silently excusing herself from the group and heading to grab a cup of punch.

She could smell a familiar cologne as two arms slinked around her comfortably, and someone rested their chin on the top of her head.

She knew is was Kuroo, and she turned around and looked at him with a half smile and a raised eyebrow.

"We almost thought you weren't coming." Bokuto said as he stepped up next to Kuroo.

May gave them a slight bow before passing them.

The night continued and May stayed plush against the wall most of the time, but the boys caught her sneaking outside and into the courtyard of the school they were in.

Most of the team members followed her, Kageyama included.

They could see her sitting comfortably on a bench outside and concentrating on something on her notebook while her pen danced gracefully across the pages.

"Should we try and get her to stick around?" Asahi asked, somewhat unsure of what to do.

"Maybe one of us should talk to her, do you think she's okay?" Said Noya, a bit concerned.

The boys all shared a look, except Kageyama, who's eyes were trained on her.

They all stepped back, and Hinata risked shoving him forward a little bit.

"What the hell was that for, dumbass?" He hissed as he turned back to his short team mate.

"Go talk to her!" Hinata whisper yelled. Kageyama rolled his eyes and turned back to where May was sitting before begrudgingly making his way over, and sitting not too far from her on the bench.

"Working on something?" He asked. May looked at him curiously for a moment before turning her notebook to him. He could see sketches of smiling faces, people he hadn't seen before.

"Y-you're really good." He stuttered out a compliment, receiving a gentle smile in return. "You should draw me." He joked awkwardly.

From Hinata's spot hidden away, he face palmed.

May looked at him with a raised eyebrow. And began drawing.

He asked her a few more questions before she suddenly got up, ready to go back inside.

He thought he'd scared her away until she ripped out a page from her notebook, handing it to Kageyama, who was stunned to see a really good drawing of him.

She offered one last smile before heading back inside.

Then it dawned on Kageyama.

He was actually starting to like her.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now