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It had taken a few days for Maybumi to make a decision on how she wanted to honor Yuki's existence.

It was only after a joking suggestion from the boys about her song she'd written that she'd come up with an idea to use her college money to get a publication.

She could easily produce the acoustics for the song, as well as the vocals, she only needed someone to publish the song.

Not to mention she needed reassurance.

She turned to the one person who was made specially for that, Kageyma, who agreed that she could and tried his best to profusely compliment her until she agreed.

Within the days to come after the publication of the song, Maybumi was getting recognized more and more by her fellow students.

It wasn't that she hadn't been noticed before, but people rarely acknowledged her for quite some time when the state of her... circumstances, became evident.

It was mostly for the lyrical intelligence and obvious emotional depth and effort put into the song.

Of course, May wouldn't settle for anything less than incredible for Yuki. That was the closest that she could come to expressing her gratitude.

The logical side of her knew that Yuki appreciated it.

It wasn't long however before Maybumi got a call from a producer who was touring, looking for a new potential artist.

The only condition was that she would have to travel back to America with him.

May was spending an afternoon with Kageyma when she broke the news.

"A producer offered me a deal." She suddenly said while they were in the middle of studying.

Kageyma stopped what he was doing a looked up with a surprised look.

"That's great." He said reassuringly. But he couldn't help but notice to look on Maybumi's face as though she was thinking about something much deeper than that, not the mention she solemnly shook her head before looking at him.

"He wants me to leave for America with him." She said. Kageyma felt his heart suddenly sink.

The idea that he had only come to the realization that Maybumi was his soulmate just a few short weeks earlier added onto the sudden pang.

Of course, he'd follow her and support her anywhere she went like a soulmate was meant to do.

"You should go..." he replied, trying to come across as supportive, but Maybumi could tell he wasn't very happy about what she'd expressed to him.

Instead of studying for the rest of the night, Maybumi and Kageyama discussed ways that they could still see each other, even going as far as to write down schedules that would help each other find specific days that they would be able to be together.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now