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Even more days flew by, and though May was still struggling with an internal entity, she continued to heal.

The boys had eased more responses from her. Although, almost every little mutter they received was awful and rude, a few things were... okay, maybe not nice, but they weren't bad, either.

Besides her small talk with the entirety of the team, she'd continued to help Kageyma and Hinata with their school work, knowing that grades were an important part of being able to play sports.

Hinata sometimes seemed to understand what she was trying to explain, but more times than not she nearly gave up trying to teach him anything at all.

But then again, she was also giving Kageyma a little extra attention, so she wasn't really focusing any spare time on Hinata, nor actually trying to help.

She was simply trying to balance.

But now, it was the middle of a new school week and May had exited the music room later than usual, as Kageyma had decided to stop by and listen to her play. Even though she easily could've waited until she got home, he'd come to realize that wasting away thirty minutes before volleyball practice was engrained in her schedule.

Suddenly, a woman grabbed hold of May's arm.

"Maybumi-" she said suddenly. May seemed to flinch as she turned around, but Kageyma was quick to tell that May seemed familiar with the woman.

Not to mention she looked like someone Kageyma had to have met at some point...

It finally clicked, and he realized the woman resembled Yuki more than anyone.

"I, Uh... I'm sorry to stop you on such short notice but... I couldn't seem to ever catch you at home." The woman said softly. She was fiddling with the material of her shirt nervously, and she looked exhausted and sickly as though she hadn't slept and eaten in weeks. "I wanted to give you something." She mumbled, fumbling around in her purse before pulling out a decent sized package of polaroids and an expensive looking camera.

"Thanks..." May trailed off with a surprised look on her face as she tenderly took the photos and camera from Yuki's mom.

Kageyma stood awkwardly, unaware of what to do, given the depth of what was happening.

When yuki's mom left, Maybumi was left with resurfacing feelings.

Though, they hadn't left or even faded since the incident given that it wasn't so long ago, she was still left in pain that seemed to have reappeared stronger than ever.

Kageyma wasn't even used to the idea that he'd even hold someone when they cried, but when he saw Maybumi struggling to fight back the tears, he couldn't help himself from wrapping his arms around her.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat