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Suga had ended up being the volunteer for May to stay with.

But oddly enough, she was thankful it was him. He was easy going and soft hearted. She enjoyed his company considerably more so because of his quiet behavior alone.

All of his questions were yes or no, so they didn't need to talk.

May spent most of her time in the guest room with Hulk, who Suga had allowed her to bring along with her given the circumstances.

She knew deep down that she would have to go back to her house at some point.

She'd stopped by before going home with Suga, and had walked in on a violent argument between her adoptive parents. Both of them at screamed profusely at her, accusing her of sleeping around when she gathered her clothes and took her dog.

It was so embarrassing and disgusting.

She hated every second.

She occasionally left the bedroom and went outside, and suga never questioned her, until he found out the reason why.

He happened to be taking the trash out right after May had wandered outside with Hulk accompanying her, and saw her standing at the end of his driveway with a cigarette.

Suga dropped the trash, causing May to slowly turn around and look at him. Her eyes were icy and cold with they met his, and they were absolutely giving him a silent threat.

"Y-you smoke?!" He yelped.

May nodded once before looking away from him and staring back out into the distance where the sun was setting.

"B-But you're younger than me!" He accused.

She simply shrugged. Her smoke break had now been ruined, so she dropped the cigarette and stomped it before picking up the butt and throwing in the outside trash bin.

She walked past Suga, Hulk trailing behind her as she went inside the house and back to the guest room.

On random occasions when suga would get up in the middle of the night because he was hungry or thirsty, he could notice the sound of music blaring through headphones, and sometimes even saw the lights on through the cracks of May's door at unearthly hours of the night.

On Tuesday Suga took May to the doctor claiming she had been too sick to take anywhere for the last couple of weeks.

They managed to get an excuse to cover that amount of time, and May's silence because she had a "sore throat" from "coughing", was part of the reason.

Then, on Wednesday, May finally went back to school.

But what suga didn't notice were the multiple missed phone calls and incoherent texts that kept her phone lighting up at all hours.

He didn't notice the bold letters that read "MOM", or the quiet rushed typing followed every time May got a notification.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu