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It was finally Saturday, and May snuck out of Suga's house early to go to the park.

She didn't see Kageyama or Hinata anywhere, so she sat peacefully and began to continue the sketch of Yuki she'd begun a couple of days earlier.

Kageyama and Hinata entered the park and saw May where she typically sat.

Instead of immediately saying anything, Kageyama and Hinata got curious and snuck up behind her to see what she was doing and saw a stunning drawing of Yuki.

"Whoaaa..." Hinata gawked.

"Shut up, dumbass!" Kageyama whisper yelled.

"Calm down! She has headphones in." Hinata huffed.

She suddenly turned the page and began writing something. They read it as she wrote it out, and they both became highly embarrassed.

"Just because I have headphones in doesn't mean I can't hear you."

Hinata choked out an apology. "I'm sorry May!!" He said quickly when she slammed her book shut and got up, moving to a different bench a good distance away.

"Do you think her and Yuki are soulmates?" Hinata asked, neither of them aware that Asahi had already asked and had been severely embarrassed.

The boys played volleyball for awhile before deciding to go for a jog and explore the town.

They noticed while exiting the park that May was no where in sight.

About five minutes into their jog that saw May exiting a corner store with no other than Ushijima. They both came to slow stop as they approached the two.

"W-What are you doing with our assistant manager?" Hinata stuttered, getting a heavy glare from Kageyama.

Ushijima and May looked at them before Ushijima looked at May and said "let's go" before taking off jogging down the sidewalk.

May followed him and kept up easily, staying by his side the entire time.

Kageyama and Hinata shared a confused look and followed the two as they jogged through town.

They both shared a thought as they wondered if maybe Ushijima was her soulmate instead of Yuki as they all jogged in a group.

They could both tell and May obviously exercised more than her small frame let on, but they didn't know the extent of it until a clerks-man accidentally knocked over a produce stand right in front of her.

She had no problem jumping over it, and keeping the same pace as Ushijima while they continued.

Kageyama managed to avoid it, but Hinata tripped over it and went face first into the pavement.

Kageyama halted to a stop and turned around. "Get up, dumbass!" He hissed.

When Hinata finally got back up, May and Ushijima had already disappeared.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now