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The more the days passed by, the more they noticed May was healing. And changing above all.

She still hadn't uttered a word to anyone, but she had definitely come out of her shell.

Takeda and Ukai had noticed her drawing during practice, and caught a glimpse of her fantastic drawings of the boys using various volleyball tactics.

But most of all, they saw Kageyama.

They questioned her briefly on the matter, but she only shrugged.

That Saturday at the park Hinata and Kageyama showed up, and weren't surprised the see Maybumi there.

At first, the sound of the ball getting hit back and forth had bothered her tremendously when she was trying to focus, but at this point she'd gotten used to it.

Hulk was there too, alongside her. He'd been a little less active since his surgery, but it had been a few weeks and he was mostly healed up at this point.

She was unaware of the fact that the boys had been making suggestions that perhaps they were soulmates. Of course, they hadn't uttered a word to her, but Kageyama had brushed it off.

Her and Hulk followed the ball with their eyes, and she could see Hulk wagging his tail, finally ready to get rid of some of that pent up energy.

The ball suddenly went right past Maybumi's head, and she stared at Hinata who was guilty of sending it too close to her.

"IM SO SORRY MAYBUMI!" Hinata yelled.

May stood up and sat her book down, heading behind the bench she'd been previously perched on, and grabbing the ball.

She sent it up into the air and hit it back to Hinata, who grabbed it, before becoming momentarily stunned when she got into receiving position beside Kageyama.

They all began tossing the ball back and forth, eventually Hulk even got involved and chased the ball back and forth.

Eventually Hinata hit the ball too high for a proper received to Kageyama, and he instead grabbed it out of the air... and got knocked down by Hulk.

May internally cringed, and expected Kageyama to yell something obscure and offensive to her precious Doberman, but instead, she watched as Hinata jumped out of his skin when they both heard Kageyama laughing rather hard.

May couldn't help but stare in awe.

Of course, she mentally scolded herself for thinking he looked cute when he was laughing.

But she stopped being angry when she noticed he has a dimple.

And of course, she came to terms with the heat rising to her cheeks and the sudden quick speed of her heartbeat.

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن