He interrupted me when, with a quick movement, he kneeled in front of me and clutched my both my hands with his own. "Are you not fully aware of the nature of my feelings? I love you. No matter what the conditions are. I want you. But you can't continue carrying this burden with you. You don't need to keep those things to yourself. You have me now."

"I know... I know..." I gasped leaning my forehead against his and closing my eyes.

"Now, I'll take you to the hospital wing." I looked him in the eyes ready to complain. "No. You're going. End of the story. Headmaster's' order." And he smirked weakly at me.

So I smiled back and we left his office.

"Severus, may I speak with you?" Minerva went back with a student by her side with tears on his eyes. "Those Slytherin brats keep making horrible things to young Marcus here. We need to do something."

Severus looked at me with a distressed look and I smiled. "Don't worry. Stay. I'll go to Pomfrey. Headmaster's' orders."

And I turned around heading for the hospital wing of Hogwarts.

Wandering through those empty corridors felt somehow peaceful. The students had already started to leave and only a few stayed to study in the library or on the Great Hall. It almost seemed like the battle never happened, unless you go to the entry gates where there was now a rock carved with all the names of the people who died in the battle, with Albus Dumbledore in capital letters in the middle. It hasn't been easy, but Hogwarts felt like home once again, students were happier than ever - now that there was no reason to be afraid of Death Eaters or Voldemort. And I was happier than ever having Severus by my side always.

"Looking happy, I see." I trembled when I heard that raspy voice that had haunted me over the years. I turned around and saw the wrecked uncle Maxime, clothes dirty and ripped, thin to his bones and eyes boiling with anger.

Gasping and walking back, I felt terrified of that man that looked like he could murder anyone who even eyed him wrongly.

"I told you to get away from me," I said, trying to look harsh and hide the fear.

"You could have killed, but you didn't. I guess even being with that traitor you still have some kind of feelings for me." He said, hope sparkling on his eyes.

"Are you mad?" I asked loudly. "OF COURSE I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU. DISGUST. You make me want to vomit. You sick bastard." I draw my wand and he stepped back.

"You dare to speak to me like that?" With a quick move, he drew his wand and disarmed me with an Expelliarmus. And just as quick like that he was grabbing me by my waist, forcing my legs to give away, knocking me to the floor where he lay on top of me.

I started screaming for help the louder I could until his hand covered my mouth to muffle the sounds. So I just bite it until I saw blood and his screams echoed through the halls.

"Bitch!" He punched me in the face. "If this is how you want to play..." He went for his pants, looking for something on his pocket, picking up a knife.

Someone must have heard my screams as I heard heels and a fast pace echoing those corridors and I heard Severus' voice yelling a "Stupefy." The next thing I saw was my uncle flying through the air and being knocked against the wall.

"Are you ok?" Severus asked me, Minerva, right by his side with her wand aiming for the mad criminal.

I nodded and got up, grabbing my sore and bruised face, approaching Severus embrace. Severus eyed the man dangerously and without taking his eyes off him he talked to Minerva. "Professor McGonagall, would you please inform the Ministry we have a wanted man inside our walls?"

"Gladly." She said, rushing through the corridors.

"I supposed a man like you would be smart enough to stay away from this school and from her, but obviously, I was mistaken. Trust me when I say this: you look at her, speak to her or you even whisper her name, I'll have no other solution than using a killing curse on you. Do your best and I'll gladly do mine." Severus said tightening his grip on his wand as the other hand was embracing me.

Minutes have passed and steps were heard again. Several steps this time. And when I looked back, Minvera was escorting some men towards us. They grabbed Maxime and dragged him through the corridors, as we walked behind them.

"Lady Angelina. Are you ok? Did this man hurt you?" One of the Aurors asked.

"A lot. But not anymore I hope."

"We'll make sure of it. Don't--" The man was interrupted when Maxime started to struggle like a madman, losing the grip from the men that were grabbing him and running in my direction, grabbing the knife from the floor and aimed it for my heart. Severus grabbed the man, but it was too late, his knife failed my heart but was already stabbed on my belly, right under the heart area.

"NO" Severus yelled, punching Maxime over and over again until someone pulled him away. He snapped out of his wrath trance and ran to my side, where Minerva was already rocking me on her lap. "Not again."

He caressed my cheek and I opened my eyes, smiling at him.

"What can I say? Blades love me." And he muffled a laugh, trying to contain his tears as he caressed my face. His weak smile was the last thing I saw before closing my eyes.

Touch your heart (Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now