I raised an eyebrow at her words.

Lenore turned around right when the shouting started, before Samuel stood up. "Lenore, what the hell are you doing? Get out of the way."

"No. I am not letting you kill off my mate," she protested.

"You know that this isn't going to end well, so you better move before you get hurt. Lenore, he is a horrible person who deserves this."

"But still, it doesn't give you the right to decide whether he lives or not. That is not your call."

Samuel smiled, an evil glint flashing in his eyes. "Well, then let's let the people decide." Then he shouted, "So who thinks that Finn should die, be executed, raise your voice."

And people began shouting.

Only one answer was heard.


Lenore didn't even seem to think as she turned around before wrapping her small arms around me. "Don't listen to them," she whispered, the side of her face pressed against my chest, right where my heart was beating.

I couldn't help but smile at her small gesture.

My one arm covered her body in a tight hold, while the other stayed by my side, just in case I needed to push her away when another shot came.

The shouting was still heard, but I blocked it out.

"SILENCE!" Samuel ordered in his Alpha tone once it began to get too out of control. "Well, it seems like the decision has been made. I'm sorry, Lenore."

Her girl tightened on me when the shouting started again. Then she had had enough. "Shut up you bunch of idiots! Why do you even care if he dies?"

"Because he killed all of those people!" one person yelled.

Lenore growled. "All of those people were much worse than him. They were murderers, rapists, the ones that may have wanted to harm you all even. He killed all of them because he believed that he was doing the right thing."

"That is not an excuse!"

"Isn't it?" Lenore asked. "And you didn't even know those people!"

Then another voice yelled, "It doesn't matter."

Lenore seemed to get more furious with each passing second, by the way her hold seemed to get even tighter. " And how will you be any better than Finn, if you kill him? Will it fix your little hearts? Do any good? Make a difference?"

"It will."

"Bitch. All of you weren't even in our pack. Besides, you have no right to decide who lives or dies, especially if you don't know anything."

Someone shouted something again.

"Don't you all have no freaking clue what redemption, forgiveness is? I'm guessing you don't because if you all did then you would not be doing this!"

My heart warmed at her words.

"I mean, sure he has made plenty of mistakes, just like all of us have. And maybe ours have not been as bad as his, but in reality, there is no difference." Then she added, "Don't you all want to be an example to people and admit that everyone can make mistakes, go a little crazy at times?"

Everyone was quiet.

"Yes, he fućked up. He screwed up real bad. But does that really make him a horrible person? A bug that should be removed, killed? Alright, his mistakes may have been one of the worst and maybe he is worse than the people he got rid off, but that doesn't mean he needs to be taken away. And I don't know if I should be telling you this, but he has had a hard life. A really screwed up life. I know that doesn't justify his actions, but he has never had a good role model. He grew up with the knowledge he was showed, what he went through, that was where he got everything.

Finn's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now