"Have you ever been beaten?" I find myself ask him suddenly. I don't know why I blurted this out of my mouth, but I wanted to know.

He returned his gaze on me with a questioning look. But I guessed the answer myself because it was the humans who are beaten, not the vampires.

"Why this question pet?" he asked me.

"I mean, do you know the pain of being treated like a pet and beaten for every small mistake?" I asked him with a serious voice, my head still laying on the table.

"Do you know the pain of losing your own family because of these blood suckers?" I continued not letting him answering my first question.

"Do you know the pain of not being able to enjoy your freedom but to just be locked in a small cage, waiting for a vampire to buy you and treat you like shit." I continued on, but not changing the volume of my voice as we were still in the library.

"Do you know how it feels to be deprived of food or to just eat a small piece of stale bread for a day?" I asked him. But he looked at me with a blank face.

"No, I don't. But I guess that you do, right?" he asked me as casually as he could. OF COURSE I KNEW THAT PAIN!!!

"Of course I know that pain! Because I am the pet here." I said to him in a duh-voice as I roll my eyes.

But he just hummed in answer and continued writing. He is so annoying!!!

"It's you who is the annoying one here. It's you who's asking me these dumb questions." he answered me as he read my mind.

"Would you like to know that pain then, master?" I asked him as I grinned devilishly.

"And how would you do that, pet?" he asked as he furrowed his brows.

"Ohh I got an excellent idea!! Why don't we do cosplay?! You will be the pet and I'll be the master for one day." I asked him as the amazing idea popped into my head.

"No thanks." he said flatly as he returned his gaze to his documents.

"Ohh come on, it will be fun." I said, insisting. It would sure be really fun.

"You know what would be more fun?" he asked me, as his eyes bored into mine flicking with amusement and mischief.

"What?" I asked impatiently, he must have got a more interesting idea than mine.

"Torturing you." he said with a smirk, making my smile drop and rolling my eyes before laying my head on the table again.

Few minutes later

I was bored as hell. We were still in the library and Alexander is still working, not talking at all after our discussion about pets.

"Master, what's your age?" I asked him as he was fixing the paper intensely.

"I'm 889 years but in human years, I'm 24." he said, not even glancing at me. Wow, he's that old?! He's like a grandfather! Wait, if he's that old, then how many pets did he had had during all this time?

"I'm not a grandfather, and to answer your question; I've had had hundreds of pets, all of them were an exemplary for all pets." he answered rather proudly. Hundreds of pets?! And not to mention that they were all killed.

"Have they all killed by you?" I asked him this foolish question. Of course the answer was yes.

"Yeah, all of them." he answered boringly as he flicked the pages of the file that he was looking at.

"But why? I thought that they were an exemplary for all pets." I asked, mimicking his previous statement. Why would you want to kill obedient pets and buy one like me?

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