Meanwhile, the dinner already started on the Great Hall and the teachers noticed my absence. Dumbledore had a worried look on his face and Hermione was looking at them very often and at my empty seat.

She noticed Dumbledore nodding at her, asking her to approach them and she did as commanded. No one else noticed her going to the teachers' table.

"I've seen your worried look over professor Angelina's' empty seat. Do you know anything about that, Miss Granger?" He asked with a soft tone on his voice.

"Yes. Something happened today. With Draco. She took 70 points from Slytherin and gave him detention... with Professor Snape. " She looked quickly to Snape, and back to her headmaster. "She was really, really upset. I'm worried about her." This caused Snape to raise his eyes to her, with a puzzled look. He had told me if he exceeded the limits to send him to him, but 70 points from Slytherin was too much. He must have done something horrible for her to do that. She is a peaceful woman, kind and comprehensive, what could a kid like Malfoy do to make me mad like that?  His thoughts were interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Severus, could you please find Angelina and ask her what happened?" Snape nodded and got up from his seat, walking towards the exit of the great hall. "And 10 points to Gryffindor for your worry, Miss Granger. Now, enjoy the rest of your meal."

"Thank you, professor." She smiled and got back to her seat, still worried with her favorite teacher.

Snape knocked on my door three times, but no one answered. He took his wand and opened my door, only to find an empty chamber. His face frowned when he didn't find me there. So he tried the window I usually go when I need to relax.

But when he got there, I wasn't there.

He then went outside, to the woods and called my name.

But no one answered.

He stopped to think about where I should be. Nothing occurred him. The last thing he could do was to visit my classroom, where I was last seen.

And that's what he did. 

When he opened the door his expression softened. He saw piles of books and papers huddled on my table, and my little head was resting peacefully on top of the books. He slowly approached me, trying not to scare me and something on his melted when he saw my pacific sleeping face, with dried tears along my cheeks.

There was a strand of hair falling down my face, and he couldn't fight the urge to tuck that strand behind my ear and smiled. He just smiled. And he was doing that very frequently. He knew very well why, but he didn't want to believe it. So he just caressed my cheeks and called softly.

"Angel?" I moved slightly from my sleep state. "Angel, wake up. You fell asleep in the classroom." 

He glanced at the book that was under me and smiled again when he saw it was the one he gave to me.

"I did?" I murmured. "Damn. I'm tired." I stretched and yawned.

"What happened today?" He asked, still with a softer tone than he wanted.

"Nothing. I just fell asleep. I read for hours." I lied.

"You usually cry when you sleep?" I sighed and got up, rubbing my eyes and cleaning the rest of the tears away. "I know something happened with Draco today. You gave him detention with me. And took him a very good amount of points."

"I... I can't--... I need to talk with Dumbledore." I was moving to the exit quickly but he was faster and grabbed my arm.

"If I'm going to teach him a lesson, I should know what he did." I looked into his eyes and I could sense his uncomfortable gaze.

"He was mean with Miss Granger. Called her filthy half-blood." I told him part of the truth and he didn't believe in me.

"Just that?" He asked, tightening his grip on my arm and pulling me closer. "Try again."

"What are you doing? Let go of my arm."

"Dumbledore told me to protect you and I intend to do it, and I don't care if you want it or not. Tell me, what did he do?" He growled.

I sighed and tears were running down my eyes, but - still - I couldn't answer him.

"I need to talk with Dumbledore."

He eyed me carefully, lifting his head and let go of my arm. "You don't trust me."

I stared at him, eyes widened and all that I could do was nod "No".

"Very well, if you want to talk with Dumbledore, go. I won't bother you anymore, Miss Black." And he left the classroom abruptly, his vests dragged quickly through the floor as disappointment and hurt flooded his frozen heart. What was wrong with him? He didn't know and he was battling himself about it, trying to conceal it and lock it away, but something about the way I look at him prevents him from doing that. And he was mad.

Touch your heart (Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now