I would be teaching the third year so I should talk to them as if they were grown-ups. Kids their ages wanted someone who didn't treat them like children. I knew it, I had their age once. I only hope it is still the same.

Hours have passed and I was diving into the plan more and more, so I didn't feel my stomach growl at first. My table had heaped books all around me, papers on top of it, on the floor and I had a pencil rolled on my hair, forming a bun. I was deeply concentrated in what I doing when I heard a knock on the door.

"You may come in."

The door was opened and all I could see between my books were dark robes dragged through the floor.

"Dumbledore asked me to get you to lunch. They are waiting for you now. If you please follow me." Snape's' voice was low, but no friendly at all.

I smiled at him and got up, heading to his direction. I took the pencil out of my long blonde-gray hair, that was now perfectly wavy. I let it fall on my back, shaking it with my hands, while Snape was eyeing me very attentively. I snapped him back to reality.

"Shall we?"

He nodded and guided me through the corridors but we didn't say a word until we were about to open the great hall's' doors. He was battling himself, trying not to talk, but something was stronger than him.

"I see you're committed on your classes. That's good."

"I don't want to let Dumbledore down. Nor my students. I'm not a great wizard you know? I left school very early for... strong reasons... and I never learned everything. I wished things were different, I loved classes."

"What would you like to learn?" He ended up asking even though he was fighting hard to keep his mouth shut.

I muffled a laugh. "Everything. But especially, I would like to know how to use my wand properly. If someone tried to hurt me, I wouldn't be able to defend myself. I can't even make a Stupify correctly."

He looked at me with some confusion on his eyes. And what I said next made him even more shocked. "I don't even have a wand anymore... My dad broke it before I ran away."

Snape didn't say anything and we finally entered the great hall - Thank god-, where more teachers have arrived this morning. I was introduced to them before I took my seat next to Snape. He didn't even dare to speak to me, nor he looked to me when I was talking.

He was oddly quiet and, of course, Dumbledore sensed something was wrong but he didn't ask him anything.

After lunch, I got back to my classroom to resume my work and I didn't notice the time passing so fast, but  Minerva was there for me as she promised.

"Shall we? I have to make you feel like a princess. You will look wonderful in that dress."

Minerva was treating me like her child, looking at me with such care on her eyes. Dumbledore was very kind to me, but Minverva really felt like a mother.

"As you wish. Let's go."

The ball will start at 7 P.M., where Dumbledore will say his speech of the year, encouraging his teachers for the next school year.

Minerva used magic to get my hair ready and my makeup. She opted for light makeup and Hollywood waves since the dress was already too flashy.

When the doors of the great hall were opened and I entered along with Minerva, it was full of people. And they all turned their heads towards us. I felt myself blush and whispered to Minerva. "Why are they all looking at us?"

She smiled, looking at me, "Trust me, they are all looking at you."

I looked around and my eyes unexpectedly locked on Snape's'. He had this face I never saw before. He always uses this mask where he is so tough and severe, but this time he was dressed in a black suit, hair properly combed, drink on his hand, and his expression had a mix of shock and amusement.

Touch your heart (Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now