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-seven months later-

We all rush into the hospital. Everyone holding my hand on holding onto my arm as we walk up to the desk.

"My girlfriend is in labor." Two-Bit states and Dawn squeezes my hand as a contraction hits me. I cry out and everyone looks like their feeling my pain too.

"We'll get you a wheel chair Ms. Jackson." She tells us and I turn to everybody and tears fill my eyes.

"Thank you all for being with me during this nine months and I love you all." I say and they all stare at me.

"We love you too kid." Dally says and I smile. I hug everyone before I'm whisked away to the delivery room.

-two hours later-

I throw up for the fifth time in an hour. Soda and Two-bit sit on both sides of me, holding my hands and I sigh.

"I hate this. I hate this." I mumble and Two-Bit nods.

"I'm so sorry baby." He says quietly as he kisses my forehead.

-three more hours-

"Why is she taking so long?" I whine and Soda stares at the doctor.

"Is there anything we can do for her doc?" He asks and he smiles.

"She's ready for birth." He announces and I look at him.

"Are you sure?" I question and he nods.

"I'm gonna have a baby." I whisper as tears fill my eyes.

"Alright Noel.. Get ready to become a mom." He says as nurses crowd around and Soda looks pale.

"We can do it." I promise him and he smiles nervously.

"Alright Noel. Push." The doctor instructs and I nod. I push and it hurts more than it did with Caleb. After a couple minutes of pushing I'm crying and I want to throw up.

"C'mon Noel you can do it." The doctor encourages but I shake my head.

"I can't do it." I cry and Two-Bit kisses my forehead.

"Just one more big push." He promises and I take a deep breath. I give it the rest of my energy and then there's silence.

Then.. a piercing cry fills the air and I let out a sigh of relief.

"She's here. She's out." Soda says in astonishment and I nod. They show the screaming child to us and I smile.

"She's beautiful." I mumble and Soda squeezes my hand. They clean her up and she stops crying. The nurses hand her to me and I stare down at her.

"She has your eyes Soda.." I tell him quietly and he smiles.

After awhile the whole gang came in with smiles on there faces, Dawn practically pulls Heidi out of my hand and cradle her in her strong arms so protecting with Darry standing behind her

"She's precious" Dawn cooed in a small but motherly voice

"Dawn I give you props for pushing two humans out of your body" I say and everyone laughs

"Why thank you" Dawn says bowing to the gang.

She hands the baby to dally and I have to say dally plus a baby is eye opening.

As everyone passed Heidi and everyone starts piling out Dawn Ashton and Blair stayed behind and I put Heidi in the crib thingy.

"This never would have happened if Dawn would've blown up on Darry" Blair jokes and we all laugh.

"And to think we were going to New York" Dawn says and we all laugh at the thought.

"I'm glad I got to spend it with you girls" Ashton says and I hate feeling emotional but at that moment, we all did.

"Well out children will be together for awhile" I say and they all agree.

"Guys it's late y'all should go home" I say and Dawn laughs and just jumps in the bed with me.

" I'll stay here and love you" she jokes and she cuddles close to me.

"Get off me fatass" and she laughs. All of them soon jump on the bed and two bit laughs at the seen he walks into. This is true friendship

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