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Noel's P.O.V

I woke up scared and unaware of my surroundings. I glance at the tank by the couch and sigh. I feel sick and my eyes widen at the realization of the situation.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." I whisper as turn off the tank and pull the tubes out of my nose. I quickly go into Dawn and Darry's former room and quickly open the closet. I find the pregnancy tests sitting on the shelf. I quickly grab one and walk to the bathroom. Soda is on an on call repair in the country right now so this isn't the best time.

-three minutes later-

"Please.. Please.. Please." I whisper as I look down at the stick. It's facing the sink so I can't see the results yet. I pick it up quickly and flip it around. I cover my eyes and sigh.

"Do I want to see the results? Do I really?" I question myself as I force myself to look at the results.

"Two-Bit!" I scream knowing he's the only one in the house.

"Kid! Kid! Where are you?!" Two-Bit yells.

"In the bathroom!" He bursts into the bathroom and I'm shaking by now.

"I can't do this. I can't do this." I feel everything inside me collapse.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I stare at him.

"I'm pregnant.." I whisper and he hugs me immediately.

"I can't do this." I tell him.

"Yes you can. You did it with Caleb and you can do it again." He comforts me.

"But there's no way in hell Soda's going to let me give it up let alone get an abortion." I feel tears in my eyes.

"Hey... Kid.. I've got you it's okay." He kisses my forehead as I cry into his shirt.

"I can't raise a kid I've barely raised Blair." I cry and Two-Bit puts his hand on my shoulders and pushes me back.

"You have raised Blair better than anyone I've ever seen. She's an amazing student in school and it's all because of you. You got her this far and you can get her farther." He tells me firmly as tears fall down my cheeks.

"I can't do it.. I can't." I sob.

"That kid is amazing at everything she does and it's all because she has you as a guardian. I'm so proud of you." He says and I smile weakly.

"I love you so much." I cry as I hug him again.

"I love you too kid.." He says and he kisses my head again.

"Everybody's gettin knocked up these days huh?" I ask, my nose stuffed up so my voice sounds stuffy.

"No.. Not everyone," He says and I shake my head.

"Just the people who can handle it." He finishes and I smile.

"So you and Soda.. ya know?" Two-Bit jokes and I laugh as I push him away.

"Two-Bit did you ever have a sex ed class?" I ask and he laughs.

"Of course." He smirks deviously and I smile.

"Well then you know that it takes two people to make a baby and Soda is my boyfriend so yeah he's the baby daddy." I explain and he groans.

"God don't talk like that. You'll ruin my good girl image of you." His comment makes my laugh hysterically.

"Since when did you think I was a good girl?" I ask in between laughs and he shrugs.

"You were always a good girl to me." He smiles and I smile back.

"I'm getting the tank." I tell him but he stops me.

"Let me get it." He says and I smile.

"For you, Noel Jackson." He says formally and I smile as I stick the tube in my nose and turn on the tank.

"And thank you Keith Mathews." I repeat his tone and he smiles.

"So how are you going to tell him?" He asks and I shrug.

"Make it all nice.. And then slowly explain the situation." I suggest and he nods.

"Thank you for helping me.. Uncle Keith." I smile and he looks down at his feet.

"Uncle Keith... I could get used to that." He says astonished and I laugh.

"Oh god I just realized it's gonna mess up my ink." I groan and he laughs.

"Get over yourself, you can always get it detailed." He says and I nod. I hug him again tight knowing that I have to break the information to the guys. I'm just glad Darry is gone because he would be the one to overreact the most.

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