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"Sodapop Curtis! My office now!" I hear Mr. Sullivan yell and I put down the wrench.

"Yes sir?" I ask as I walk into his office.

"Sit down son." He says and I close the door and sit down.

"Look I know it's non of my business and I know that you don't have a dad so you have no one to tell you this but.. Your girl, Noel Jackson, she's pregnant?" He asks and I sigh.

"She was my girl and yes, sir. She's about five weeks along." I tell him and he nods.

"Are you staying with her for her pregnancy and on wards?" He questions.

"She broke off our relationship an we haven't talked about the custody of the kid yet." I explain.

"Where do you come in with this situation sir?" I question and he sighs.

"Soda you're a good kid and an excellent mechanic but.. I just want to make sure that girl will be okay. She's not in the best situation you know." He says.

"I'm sorry but I can understand why you would think that but she is living with one of my best friends and she's in good hands I don't think-"

"Her father sobered up. He's off drugs and alcohol. He is considered what you kids call a Soc now. He was looking for Noel and Blair." He cuts me off and I'm silent.

"Why don't you go home and talk to Noel." He suggests.


"Now." I nod as I walk out of his office and start running down the street. When I get home I find Blair with a man in the kitchen.

"Blair.. Who's this?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"This is my dad.." She says quietly and I nod.

"Sodapop Curtis." I say as he shakes my hand.

"Parker Jackson." He says back. We talk for a while and he tells me how he got off of drugs and alcohol and is starting to build a name for himself in Soc territory. Everything seemed fine until Noel came home. She quickly runs into the kitchen and pulls Blair away from him.

"Noel.. It's been so long." Mr. Jackson says and I don't think I've never seen Noel so scared.

"That's what happens when you leave someone and come back almost five years later." She snaps and he sighs.

"Listen to me I-"

"Why should I listen to you? Because you're my dad? Because I'm your daughter and I'm supposed to have respect for you?" She questions.

"Noel I'm not who you think I am anymore."

"Are you?! Last time I saw you you were beating the shit out of me and Blair!" She yells.

"Dammit Noel! I'm off of drugs!" He yells over her and she's silent.

"I got a job and I'm making a name for myself on the South side. I want you to come and live with me and Farrah." He explains gently and Noel glances at everyone in the room before landing on her dad again.

"Who the hell is Farrah?" She asks and he laughs.

"Farrah is your step mother." He tells her and she shakes her head.

"She's pregnant with a boy. He's due in a month. I brought you a sonogram." He pulls the picture out of his jacket and she stares at it.

"Dad I'm pregnant." She says bluntly as she walks out to the front porch leaving us all staring at her dad.

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