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Ashton's pov

It's been a weird night,with Dawn waking up from night terrors and Darry comforting her, I feel as if there could be a connection. Darry and Dawn seem to hit it off nice. Blair and I had to leave the room when Dawn awakes in fright so it wasn't a really pleasent night.

We wake up the next morning a few hours till noon which for me is really weird since I am normally the first one up but today, me and Blair were the last ones awake.

"Well good morning sleeping beauties" says an odd man in the kitchen

"I see Pony got lucky for once," says the second man in the leather coat. Darry gets up and pushes the man aside

"No, they aren't Pony's pickups they're Dawn and Noels friends" Darry says

"Girls this is Dally and Two-bit"

"Where are Dawn and Noel?" We question

"I reckon they are out lookin for Johnnycakes." says Darry.

"Breakfast is on the table me and Soda here have to work so Two bit, Dally and Pony will go searchin for Johnny later," says Darry

"Don't worry honey," says dally in a calm and slow voice

"We will find Johnny"

Johnny doesn't really concern me it's my friends and Blair's sister we aren't gonna be left with a couple bad hoods (even though that's what me and Blair are)

"C-can we go help find Johnny?" Blair questions.

"Well y'all ain't goin alone, Noel's orders" says Darry

"Socs are around more often and I don't want to be on Dawn- I mean the girls bad side" says Darry.

"I understand" I say and with that Darry and sodapop exit the house.

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