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Noel's P.O.V

This is the third time Dawn has gotten sick just this morning and I start to wonder what was going on when I was planning my little sisters funeral. She goes to the store and then comes back with a neutral expression on her face. I tried not to notice but she went into the bathroom for a good three minutes and then.. Darry went in there. I almost wanted to pull him out and slap him, but I didn't.

"El. Hey hey El." Soda tries to get my attention and I sigh.

"Yeah." I ask, exasperated.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks and I stop what I'm doing and bury my face in my hands.

"Something's going on. I don't know what it is but it's bad." He comes around the island and hugs my side.

"It's gonna be okay. I promise." He whispers and I sigh as I look at him. He smiles as he kisses me which I allow him, the poor guy worked his ass off for it.

"Everything's okay." He promises as he rests his forehead on mine and grabs my hands. Blair must have told him about my anxiety because only she knows how to calm me down and Pop calmed me down. Just then Darry and Dawn come out of the bathroom with smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys! Listen up for a second!" Darry yells into the house and then gestures for Dawn to speak.

"Well I know what most of you are going to say but.. I'm just going to tell you all. I'm pregnant with Darry's child." She says happily but everyone is silent. I let go of Soda's hands and slowly walk over to her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell.

"What.. What do you mean?" She asks, confused.

"What do I mean?! You've barely known each other for two months and now you're knocked up! Amazing! Isn't it Soda? Because I've known you for two months too but I'm not knocked up!" I yell again and I notice Blair staring at me from across the room.

"I thought you would be excited that you have someone to take care of." It basically sounds like she's insulting me.

"Are you kidding me? You've got to be kidding me. You don't know anything do you?" I ask quieter than my yelling.


"No okay listen to me. I've taken beatings for Blair, I've had to steal for Blair, I've had to run for Blair, I've had to threaten someone with a gun for Blair, I even left my home in a promise to take her somewhere better for Blair. Okay? Do you get that? I've taken care of Blair since she was a baby and I'm not going to do it again." I tell her.

"I know that you've done a lot and it's not like you'd be the only one helping with the baby." She spits at me.

"If i'm not who is?! Darry? He pushed Pony down. The guys don't even know how to hold a baby and you're expecting them to just change in a span of nine months so that your mistake can have a better life?" I ask and she stares down at the floor.

"You know the only thing that makes you one of us is living here but that shouldn't even count. You're a Soc. Always have been." I say and she looks up at me with tears running down her cheeks but I don't feel remorse.

"Where were you going with Blair?" She asks.

"New York. I was going to get a career and I was going to take care of Blair like I always have." I explain to her.

"Then why don't you go?! You always wanted to leave and here's your chance! I don't want you to be apart of my baby!" She yells as she sobs.

"If you want the only person who knows how to take care of a child to leave then that's fine. You might be able to find a nanny on the South side. You're a Soc anyways they'll accept you. Good luck with your mistake Dawn." I storm over to the door but just before I leave I look back at them.

"Oh and Congratulations." I slam the door and run into the street. It's daytime so everyone can see me but I don't care. I just run as far into the lot as I can. I stop running for a second just to collapse onto the ground with my hands on my head and start screaming at the ground. I scream for New York, I scream for Blair, I scream for the doomed unborn baby in Dawns stomach, I scream for Soda but I mostly scream because I hope that if I scream enough I'll run out of air or have a heart attack and die.

"El!" I hear Soda yell but I'm still screaming. He tries to pull me off the ground and he seems to be in a hurry but I don't understand why. I continue to scream on the ground trying to stop my anxiety attack but it doesn't work. I finally realize why Soda was in such a hurry to get up.. I see headlights coming towards us and I know it's not the guys.

The Other StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ