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We went home after things cooled down a little. Blair went to her room and stayed there for a long time and Noel paced the kitchen for twenty minutes.

"Baby everything is going to be okay." I tell her as I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Two-Bit that man is the whole reason I have nightmares and now i'm supposed to trust him because he claims that he changed?" She asks and I kiss her forehead.

"No matter what happens I'll be here to kick somebody's ass." I joke and she laughs.

"I love you." She whispers as she hugs me.

"I love you too." I whisper back as we hear footsteps on the front porch. If it's the guys they'll just come into the house but if it's someone else they'll knock. We both hold our breath as we wait for something and then.. there's a knock.

"It's my dad." She says quickly and I nod. I go to open the door and she follows me. I open the door and see her dad and a small red headed women next to him.

"Hi I'm Mr. Jackson and this is Farrah." He introduces and I nod.

"I'm Keith Matthews but most people call me Two-Bit." I tell them.

"Can we come in?" He asks and I look at Noel.

"Yeah sure." She answers and I open the door wider the let them into the house. They look around the house and I feel like they are checking to make sure there aren't any guns around, typical.

"Would you like to sit down?" Noel asks as she leads them to the couch. They sit down and she sits across from them. I sit next to her and she grabs my hand.

"So you're Noel's boyfriend?" He asks and I can see he doesn't like me.

"Yes sir." I answer and Noel squeezes my hand.

"That tattoo is interesting." He says pointing to my tattoo on my arm.

"Dad it's not that big of a deal. I have four." She tells him and they both look stunned.

"You do?" Farrah questions. Noel shows them the heart on her collarbone, the eagle on the back of her neck, the flower on her side and the sun on her hip. They look astonished but don't say anything.

"Can we talk about something else?" Farrah pleads and Noel shrugs.

"What's there to talk about?" She asks and they both lean forward a little.

"Are you sure you want to raise this baby on your own?" He asks.

"I'm not going to be raising it alone. I have Two-Bit and the guys and Dawn." She explains and I nod.

"Noel you're going to trust those.. People with your baby?" He asks.

"Yes because you don't know them like I do." She defends.

"Then get them down here so we can see what you're trusting your child with."

"Fine." Noel goes down to the Curtis house and gets everyone to come down to our house.

"Dad.. Farrah. This is Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Darrel Curtis, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, Dawn Cade, and Ashton Taylor." Noel introduces as Dally lights a cigarette.

"Are you going to smoke inside?" He asks and Dally shrugs.

"I can go outside if that what you would like." Dally offers.

"That would be good." Mr. Jackson states but Dally just sits around the tv still smoking.

"Dally take it outside." Noel orders.

"Alright alright." He says as he walks outside.

"Mr. Jackson I can assure you that Noel and Blair are in good hands." Darry tells him and he nods. Blair must've heard Pony talking because she finally came out of her room and hugged Pony.

"Is his real name Ponyboy?" Farrah asks.

"Yes is that a problem?" Noel asks and she shakes her head. After a while Noel tells all of them to leave but Blair goes with Pony.

"You're just gonna let her go home with that boy?" Mr. Jackson asks and Noel rolls her eyes.

"There are four other guys and two girls there and one of them is pregnant. Nothing is gonna happen."

"And what if she gets pregnant? She's turning fifteen soon. He's gonna want to do something and then she's gonna get pregnant and-"

"Stop." Noel says quietly.

"What?" He asks.

"I said stop! Okay? If you had been there you would know that this is my second pregnancy! I gave up my son so that I could take care of Blair! Do you see how much I gave up because of you?!" She yells and I grab her arm.

"Baby." I say and she looks at me. Tears are in her eyes and I pull her towards me. She cries into my shirt for minute and then she turns back to her dad and Farrah.

"I want to be apart of your life now Noel but you keep pushing me away." He says but she just shakes her head.

"You started a family with another person but you couldn't bother finding us until now?" She questions.

"Let us see what your life is like." Farrah says and we both give her confused looks.

"If you let us stay for two days so we can see what you guys go through then we can go from there." She explains and Noel shrugs.

"We aren't like Socs. You'll have to sleep on the couch." Noel reminds them.

"That's okay." Farrah says. We help them get set up for a little while before it starts getting really late.

"I'm going to sleep." I tell them as I start to walk down the hallway but Noel follows me.

"You know that I'm not going to be able to sleep with them in the house right?" She asks and I nod.

"Do you think that-"

"Yeah." I cut her off and she smiles.

"Thank you." She whispers as she kisses me. After her dad and Farrah are asleep Noel quietly comes into my room in a hoodie and shorts. I smile as she sits next to me.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper back as she climbs under the blanket and falls asleep.

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