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-the next day-
Noel and Blair came to the house as soon as Soda left for work which is probably what they planned.

"Did you hear that the Socs what to have a rumble?" Pony asks and Darry gives him a death glare.

"What rumble?" She asks and Darry sighs.

"There's a rumble tomorrow night." He explains,

"Really? Can I fight?" She asks excitedly.

"Noel you know you can't. You're pregnant remember?" He reminds her and she covers her face.

"Yeah of course.. Um.. sorry that was a stupid question." She says as she sits down next to me at the kitchen table.

"Hey kid it's alright. You're not showing yet so you forgot." Darry tries to cheer her up but she just nods.

"So when are you going to start school?" Pony asks, changing the subject.

"Probably after the baby is born." She says and I nod.

"Me and you will be Seniors." I point out and she smiles.

"Yeah.." I grab her hand and Pony fake gags.

"Whatever like you and Blair don't hold hands." She teases and he rolls his eyes as he walks out of the kitchen to find Blair on the couch.

"Hey.. I have something to show you." She whispers as she stands up.

"What?" I ask and she smiles. She rolls up her shirt a little and I notice a little bump.

"I thought you don't start showing till ten weeks?" I ask and she laughs.

"I know but when I was in the hospital they told me that I counted wrong and that I'm actually seven weeks and that's when I start showing with Caleb." She explains and I smile.

"That's amazing." I say as I stand up and kiss her.

"Did you find out if it's a boy or a girl yet?" I question and she laughs.

"You don't find that out until twenty weeks." She tells me and I groan.

"I have to wait thirteen more weeks to figure out if it's a girl or a boy?!" I exclaim and she nods.

"It sucks but you get over it." She says as she kisses me.

"Do you guys want to go see Johnny?" Pony pipes up from the living room. She turns to me with a sad look on her face.

"He doesn't have a lot of time left we probably should." She whispers and I nod.

"Yeah let's go." So we make our way to the hospital where we usually end up every other week.

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