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Blair's P.O.V

I sit in shock, still trying to process Noel's words. She defiantly had an effect on Dawn because she started crying as soon as she left and I can't even tell if it's because it made her upset or the hormones.

"Hey Blair are you okay?" Pony asks and I nod.

"I just never thought about how much she gave up for me." I tell him and he nods.

"It sounds like a lot." I sigh as he rubs my back.

"It is a lot.. I mean when I was seven she stepped in front of a gun for me." I say as I meet his green eyes.

"Oh my god was she okay?" He asks.

"She was shot in the shoulder but otherwise she was okay. At least that's what she told me." I sigh as I rub my forehead.

"I should go look for her." I stand up but Pony stands in the way.

"No. Just let her blow off steam. She'll be fine." He reassures me.

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. I reach up to touch the bruise on his cheek from when Darry hit him. He smiles weakly as he grabs my other hand.

"I'm so sorry." I say and he just shrugs.

"You've been hit more than I have." I smile as he kisses my forehead.

"Get offa her!" Darry yells and Pony sighs loudly making me laugh. We sit around the tv just talking and joking around with each other but I can't help but wonder if Noel is okay. Sodapop went after her after she ran out but they haven't come back yet and it's almost ten. Everything was fine and my anxiety was going down a little until we got a call and Pony answered it. He comes back into the room after a minute with a sad expression on his face.

"Pony what's wrong?" Darry asks as I stand up and walk over to him. I already know it's about Noel. I hug him as tears flood my vision.

"I'm so sorry Blair." He whispers.

"She's dead isn't she?" I ask but he shakes his head.

"Socs got her. She saved Soda." He tells me. Goddammit. Why does she always put herself in this situation?

"What's going on?" We hear Dawn ask and Darry gets up this time.

"Noel's in the hospital." Darry tells her and her face drops.

"Oh my god.. Oh my god. Is she okay?" She asks.

"Some Socs got her.. She was protecting Soda. We don't know how she is." Darry tries to comfort her as Ashton and the guys come into the room.

"Why is everyone upset round here?" Two-Bit asks.

"Noel's in the hospital. Socs got her." Pony repeats and Ashton laughs.

"Goddamn the girl. Always getting herself into trouble." She laughs weakly.

"Woah woah woah.. Is she okay?" Two-Bit demands and we shrug.

"We don't know yet." I tell him.

"Then why the hell are we still standing here talking about it? Let's go see her." And with that we all storm out of the house and drive to hospital.. All of us fearing the worst.

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