"I'll see and stop calling me that." Alexander replied after rolling his eyes and sighing.

The woman enveloped me in a hug, saying, "Welcome to the family!"
But I just put one arm on her back, because I don't like to be touched by these creatures. It made me feel sick.
"And good luck with him." she finally whispered and released me. What does she mean? Was Alexander that bad? Nah, I don't think so.

Well, I don't even know why I even half-hugged her. Maybe because of her resemblance with the woman who was very important to me? Well, I shouldn't do that, I shouldn't even touch these filthy blood suckers. I must just complete my work here and return to the pet shop.

Then, Alexander pulled my leash to cut me out of my thoughts and we started walking through the biggest corridors that I've ever seen. As we walked, I saw other vampires walking, with their pets behind them with their eyes glued to the floor. Why can't humans try to fight or do anything else apart from obediently follow their masters like good pets?!

"Because they don't want to die." I heard the voice of my new master replying to me, looking over his shoulder. Ohh, I forgot, there are some vampires that have the ability to read minds and thoughts of any person. This is so annoying!!! Now I can't even keep my thoughts to myself.

"That's right, I can read minds, use telepathy and also penetrate them to find your deepest fears." he said as he smirked at me. Ohh, so now I understand; he's gonna search for my fears and use them to torture. I must say that he's quite intelligent. But unfortunately, I don't think that he'll be able to break me, that's impossible.

He tugged at my leash for the fifth time and I walked after him, slowly just to annoy him. We continued to walked through the corridors and up the longest stairs that I've ever seen.

"Hey Alexander!" we heard the voice of a girl behind us. I turned around to see that there were two girls walking towards us.

I looked at Alexander to see him smiling.....? Ohh my god, he's actually smiling, not smirking!! Wait were they are his sisters? One girl looked about eighteen years and she had blond hair, the other one too had blond hair and looked about twenty years old. Are they sisters? Ohh no, please I don't want to meet other people!!!

"Ohh, who's that?" the youngest looking one asked with a smile. Seriously, I'm starting to get sick of these vampires actors.

"This is my new pet, Grace." Alexander answered with happiness in his voice as he glanced at me.
"And pet, these are my sisters, Elizabeth and  Isabella." he introduced them to me. So I was right, they are siblings.



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