A Date with Ochako (Retyped)

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Izuku was confused and a little worried.

Waking up the next morning after the incident at the Kiyashi mall, he received a text.

He had expected it to be from Ochako about their date.

So imagine his surprise that it was All Might needing to see both him and Enso at a hospital in the next city.

So here he was now, walking beside his (best?) friend while his skinny hero idol led the way through the hospital wards.

He nervously fumbled with his fingers while Enso uncaringly walked with his hands in his pockets.

"A-All Might? What are we doing here exactly?" The hero-in-training finally asked.

"I assume we're meeting someone, correct?" Enso speculated.

Toshinori led the two with a rather tense atmosphere.

"Yes... we're going to meet Tsukauchi." He told them straight.


"You mentioned him before... isn't he the detective that provides you with information about the league?" Enso asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

"Ah, that's right..." Toshinori glanced back at Enso. "You haven't officially met him yet, have you?"

Enso shook his head. "You told me about him sometime after the events of Hosu. How he has knowledge of Lynch and that he and Izuku spoke in the hospital after I left, but..."

"Wh-What happened to him?" Izuku voiced, reminded of the fact that they're coming to see him in a hospital.


Toshinori merely focused his gaze forward as he stopped in front of the door to one of the hospital rooms.

"I don't know yet... he just called me and told me to meet him here with the two of you. I was worried about his health, but he didn't tell me why he was here in the first place. He said that he'll explain once we're here."


Izuku gulped, recalling when he had asked Chief Tsuragamae where Tsukauchi was, only to receive and answer that he was merely... 'unavailable' with a serious tone.

So the detective was here?

What happened?


Well, only one way to find out.

"Well, we're here. So..." Enso approached the door. "Let's head in."

He didn't even bother knocking. He just grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

There was the turn of a singular head in the room.

"Hello..." A smile immediately made it to detective Tsukauchi's face. "I'm glad you made it."

The three males froze in the doorway.

Their gazes were immediately drawn to Tsukauchi's right arm. Toshinori and Izuku's gazes widened in horror while Enso's just narrowed.

"T-Tsukauchi...?" Toshinori stuttered.

"You turned metal!?" Ikari emerged from Izuku's shoulder as a black snake with his red eyes widened.

The detective merely chuckled from his bed, raising his metal arm while repeatedly opening and closing its fingers.

"Heh, er... Yeah, I got this new arm. Pretty neat, right?" He tried to laugh it off. "Also got a new foot, but it may be hard to walk for-"

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