A New Night, For A New Beginning (Retyped)

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Before the story starts- I'm sure that you are all confused as to why this story seems to have been posted by a different person. That is because I am the original creator of To Be A Hero, and my work had been plagiarized off of ArchivesOfOurOwn and posted here. Here is the link from Archives to show that the story is mine.




They sparkled brightly in the night sky over Musutafu, giving the people of the city a beautiful sight to look up too after a hard day of work. Despite being so late, heroes can be faintly heard as they tried to handle different situations that have been occurring throughout the whole city. It was a time where heroes worked the best they could in order to provide a safe and stable environment for citizens. Saving people from villains, natural disasters, and all other types of dangers was what they did, all while making a living out of it. It's been this way ever since society adapted to living with the sudden appearance of quirks in the world. New laws, new careers, and new people were created from the evolution of quirks, but of course, there were those that abused their new forms for selfish actions that heroes had to stop. Villains performing destructive deeds, heroes coming to stop them while saving civilians, this was the stable pattern the world had to live on.

However, little did anyone know that their world would be changed forever, for better, or for worse.

A flash of white ignited the dark sky like lightning, several people on the city streets cried out in shock and some even crouched down out of panic, the few heroes on the scene looked up into the sky but found no sight out anything else out of the ordinary.

After nearly a minute of inactivity, the simple-minded people of the city shrugged the sudden white flash as nothing more than a hero using a quirk. No one was worried about that flash, as nothing had come afterword for them to be worried about.

But no one had any clue, that as the white flash occurred, a white portal had also emerged over the top of a rather large building, completely out of sight from the people before. The portal surfaced seven feet over the top of the building, making small eerie noises as it appeared. These noises went on for a few seconds before the portal expanded larger and a human being fell out of it, landing onto the roof of the building in a crouching position.

The person stood up straight on his feet and the moonlight shined down on him to reveal his full appearance. He looked to be at a rather young age, with his face containing no wrinkles and having a height of about 5 feet 7 inches. He wore a dark black business suit with golden buttons on it and a white-collar shirt underneath it. He had black wingtip shoes and black socks to go along with it. But what really stood out about this person were the cold, emotionless red eyes that shined in the night along with the long, flowing black hair that went down to his shoulders. His pale skin reflected the bright moonlight as he brushed himself off while keeping a note of the state of his body after his travel. Seeing nothing was wrong, he looked around at the area he was at and discovered that he was within a city, indicated by the tall buildings ahead and the vehicles driving down the streets below.

He straightened out a blood-red tie on his collar before then lifting his right arm up and pulling his sleeve down to reveal an advanced looking watch on his wrist. The watch didn't appear to have any buttons on it, but instead, had a screen with different options on it. He pressed one of the options and the watch projected a holographic blue map in front of him of the city he was in. Along with his current location being indicated by a circular red dot, someone else's location was also being indicated by a beeping green square in the corner of the map. He waved a hand and zoomed out the map more and more until he saw exactly where the beeping green square was. He estimated the distance from his current location to the destination in mind, before then minimizing the map and preparing to leave.

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