The Awakening (Retyped)

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That was the only thing I heard when I opened my eyes.

I felt my body lying within something, yet I could not see what it was due to the darkness around me. I blinked several times, trying to adjust my vision only to realize that there were indeed no light sources even managing to make it where I was.

But I didn't ponder too much on it, as soon, I heard the hissing of an unsealing capsule, clearly, the one I was in. Slowly, the lid above me shifted off, revealing a pure white ceiling above me. There was hardly any light in the room I was in, but there were some sources that I wasn't able to see yet due to my eyes adjusting to the area.

I sat up and confirmed my suspicions that I was in a metal pod, only wearing some sort of hospital gown with long hair brushing against my arms. I looked left and right to see that several tubes were connecting to the pod I was in, no doubt tubes injected in the capsule I was in.

I wasn't scared, nor confused, nor angry, just completely expressionless. I looked ahead of me in the room I was in, finally seeing something that caught my attention. The room was rather large but dimly lit up in blue, the only light sources coming from the monitors of several computers in the room. But what really caught my attention were the several people standing a few feet away from where I was.

These people were completely frozen as they stared at me, all of them wearing lab coats and two of them even holding rifles that trembled in their hands.

There were more people behind them by the monitors, all of them whispering to each other or trying to peak a look at me. They were all clearly scientists of the sort, and if they were staring at me, then I'm their subject. I didn't particularly care to understand that about the situation, I was more intrigued about what would be the rest of the circumstances in who I am.

Speaking of which... I don't even know who I am.

No recollections of who I was, no memories of anything before waking up, and feeling nothing familiar whatsoever from the scene around me. The doctors standing around, the computers in the area, the large double-metal doors at the end of the room, there was nothing I could connect to.

I shifted my attention to just the adults right in front of me, narrowing my eyes at them, which intimidated them to take a step back. How ironic, to be scared of the one you've just created even when you could've put safety measures. They had visible looks of fear as they stared at me with a variation of emotions in their eyes: fear, confusion, excitement, quite a variety.

After what felt like minutes of pointless silence, I stood up in boredom, seeing nothing happening around me. That made everyone gasp and finally speak out.

"D-Did it work?" One of them uttered.

I don't know what they meant by, 'work,' but I was breathing with no backlash signs on my body, so everything seemed fine to me.

The scientist in the front of the group stepped forward, his hands behind his back and a tired stare. He was a more experienced looking man, one who seemed to be the oldest from the group. He had several white strands in his otherwise black hair, a grayish mustache, wrinkled skin, and blue eyes with rectangular glasses over them.

He got closer, being only a few feet from me now.

"How... are you feeling? Do you remember anything at all?"

Do I remember anything? To ask me that, it seems clear that they intentionally wiped any memories I had of anything. Whether it was with or without consent from who I was before, it didn't matter since I was here now. I was silent at this man's question, not trusting him or any of these people who viewed me like I was some sort of wild animal. If they were cautious of me, then it was clear we weren't going to have any functioning relationship, it's bound to end in disaster when I can find someone more interesting to work with.

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