A Cold Intermission (Retyped)

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Kamui stared at the television screen, just finishing to watch the cavalry battle end.

"Wow, that kid was crazy. Blasting himself back that high into the air." Death Arms chuckled.

"I kind of thought that he was gonna splat." Mount Lady said without even looking that worried.

Death Arms turn to Kamui, "So... What did you think?"

"I think he's rather... interesting." Kamui entwined his fingers. "But I hope that we can see his full potential in the next round."

"Well, we're going to have to watch it from outside. We have to get back on shift." Death Arms said as he stood up.

"..." Kamui turned his head away, "Damn it..."


~{One Hour Intermission}~

The students were leaving the stadium and heading for the cafeteria, so many hungry after the cavalry battle.

Hagakure walked up to Mina rather cheerfully, "Great job on making it to the next round Mina! I'll be rooting for you!"

Mina smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, even though Bakugo only included me on his team to counteract Todoroki's ice, I still say I really helped the team out."

"Did you see Midori fly, though? Wasn't that insane!? He was like 'boom!' and then went 'weeeeee!' in the air!" Hagakure said, her arms sleeves energetically moving around to show how excited she was.

Mina laughed, "Yeah! He was so cool! He's done so many amazing things since I've met him!"

Although invisible, Hagakure was grinning, "You mean when he made your heart skip a beat during the hero lesson battle?"

Mina's cheeks formed a dark shade of lilac color, "H-Hey! You said you wouldn't bring that up!"

Hagakure squealed. "But it was the first time that I've ever seen you blush because of a guy!"

"Q-Quiet! I was just caught off guard, okay!?" Mina looked rather mad, "One moment he's acting all wimpy and then the next he acted so...so cool!"

"Exactly, that's why he's amazing!" Hagakure said, blushing herself despite not showing on her invisible face.

"Let's just go eat..." Mina pouted, marching off ahead.

"Eh? Wait for me!" Hagakure ran after her.

At the same time, Ochako started running in place right beside Iida, cheeks puffed out and pouting angrily.

"Iida, I didn't know you had a special move like that! No fair!" she said.

Iida adjusted his glasses, "It has nothing to do with fairness! I just never said anything about it until now!"

Momo walked up to the two, "Still, despite having Iida's special move, we were caught off guard by Izuku suddenly flying right at us. I should've known that he would've done such a thing." She chuckled.

"He didn't tell us about his plan either, he just came up with it on the spot once we got our points taken." Ochako chuckled.

"But I didn't expect to see him flying so high, I got anxious." Iida said.

"Speaking of Izuku, have either of you two seen him?" Momo asked, realizing that Izuku wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Actually... where is Deku?" Ochako repeated while looking around as well.

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