Hospitalized Aftermath (Retyped)

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~{Uwabami Agency Bedrooms-8:00AM}~

The morning light seeped through the curtains of Momo's room and an annoying jingle from the creating hero's phone caused her to slowly open her eyes.

She shifted in her bed for a few moments before sitting up and stretching the arms of her pink nightgown with a yawn, waking herself up to start the day. She then sleepily reached for her phone and stopped the alarm before sliding out of bed and trudging to the large windows. She pulled the curtains apart to let the sun inside, being sure to squint her eyes to adjust to the morning light.

From there, Momo walked back to her bed and sat on the edge of it, immediately reaching for her phone and checking it. Normally she wouldn't check her phone the moment after waking up, but after the events that had occurred last night, she felt like she had to check.

She scanned through messages and for a moment, her eyes filled with hope to see that she had several of them.

However, as she checked them out, her hope slowly diminished, staring at her phone screen with a look of shock.

The several messages she had received were from a variety of her classmates from last night, many of them sent even past midnight. Momo herself would've tried to stay up all night to hear anything from Izuku if Kendo hadn't told her to just sleep, as staying up would just make her worry and mess with her head.

But it appeared that when she had gone to sleep, that was when something stirred up overnight. It turns out that a video had spread all over the internet. The video was of Hero Killer Stain in the aftermath of his fight against the students of U.A, one that had a message that shook the entire world.

Momo stared in shock at the video sent to her by a few of her classmates, watching it from her phone as her eyes widened and her pupils dilated. In the video, she saw a battered-up Stain forcing himself to move, blood all over his body and pure fury in his eyes.

"THE ONLY ONE I'LL LET KILL ME IS THE TRUE HERO-!!" Stain screamed, his foot stomping violently on the ground.


Behind Stain, right beside the corpse of a pale Nomu, Momo saw Izuku on the ground with terror in his eyes. The boy was bloodied up, had rips in his costume, and looked unable to move as he simply stared up at the Hero Killer.

"Izuku!?!" Momo nearly screamed through the entire building, continuing to watch the video as everything seemed silent for a moment, as if something was going to arrive any second.

Only, it didn't, as the video ended right there.

Momo was left completely shaking. Not only had she seen such a terrifying message full of pure conviction from the Hero Killer, but she saw her best friend and love interest at the scene with him, looking hurt, looking scared.

The vice president of Class A frantically looked through the rest of her texts, seeing that there still wasn't any response from the boy himself. However, she did get a surprising text from someone else, someone that said two words that calmed nearly all of her panic down.

Todoroki: Midoriya's alright.

Seeing these words had Momo breathing in relief. Even if she didn't know exactly the situation, at least she knew that the precious boy was safe. She thought about texting Todoroki several questions, like where was Izuku? How was he doing? Why didn't he respond to any of her messages? But luckily, she saw another message below the first that the hot n' cold hero sent.

Todoroki: Don't ask me anything, Midoriya will make sure to get back to you. He's just sleeping for the night, we went through a lot.

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