Scouting The Enemy (Retyped)

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For the rest of the school day, Izuku could feel a pair of eyes trying to burn a hole through behind his head. Every time he looked behind him, sure enough, he would see the same person staring at him. Jiro would be giving him a somewhat embarrassed glare when he saw her, but the moment they would make eye contact, she would immediately turn away from him with a deeper blush.

Izuku sweatdropped, "I can't tell if she's angry or just really, REALLY, embarrassed."


"Probably the second one."

Izuku had seen Enso come back from the principal's office, but he noticed that he had a more serious aura around him for the rest of the school day. His head was constantly down deep in thought and he even paused a moment to answer a question from a teacher instead of answering immediately like he usually did.

"Did something happen? It must've involved Nezu. What did he say to him?" Izuku wondered, glancing back over his shoulder multiple times.

He glanced over his other shoulder and saw Jiro staring at him once again, who immediately turned her head away.

"There are so many things I have to worry about today..." Izuku sighed. So far, he had met with All Might and learned a little more about Ikari that he has to work on, he ran into Jiro and seemed to have made the girl angry, and now Enso was clearly not being himself despite looking like his usual self.

The school bell then rung to end the day.

"Alright! Freedom!" Their current last period teacher, Present Mic, shouted with his hands up as he rushed out the door.

"He acts more of a high school student than us..." The class sweatdropped.

Everyone started standing up and packing away their bags, Izuku stretched his arms before and started to pack his bag before he heard some commotion from the entrance of the class.

"W-Whats going on!?" Ochako uttered out.

"Huh?" Izuku looked back to see over two dozen students right outside their class' doorway, blocking the path as well as eyeing the students rather curiously.

"What business do you have with Class A?" Iida asked, confronting the students with a karate-chopping gesture.

"We can't get out!" Mineta cried out.

Bakugo got his bag and flung it onto his shoulder, eyes narrowing with a rather serious expression as he walked up to the many students blocking the door.

"They're scouting the enemy, small fry. We're the ones who made it out of the villain's attack, so they probably wanna check us out before the sports festival." He was surprisingly calm as he spoke, understanding exactly why those students were there.

He stopped right in front of the crowd, growling right before shouting, "Out of my way extras!"

The crowd was rather taken aback by this, some even stepping back.

"Kacchan!? Too bold!" Izuku uttered as he appeared near him with his hands over his head, complete disbelief that he called out all those students in such a manner.

"Stop calling these people extras just because you don't know them!" Iida called him out.

"I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant." A sudden voice called them out within the crowd.

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