Burning Spirit (Retyped)

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Endeavor was pissed.

Ever since his battle against Enso and Shinso, the days afterward left him in a rather foul mood. His blood boiled as he recalled the humiliation of being fooled by a mere device by the weaker of his two opponents. Their battle was over by merely a few words, and it irritated him.

He knew that Enso was so much more than just a student.

Especially with those eyes.

Endeavor has been a hero for a long time. He's fought countless villains of all degrees of both power and mentality. But more than that, one of the main attributes that helped him become the number two hero was his own intellect and deductive skills, both of which have helped him solve many criminal cases in his career. So, of course, when he watched Enso's abilities and studied his character in the sports festival, he knew that there was something suspicious about the boy. His quick cognitive thinking, power and technique, and plentiful diverse abilities made it clear to the number two hero that Enso has plenty of experience fighting and more.

But those eyes he saw in the boy... they were the cold eyes of an emotionless killer. Someone who wouldn't give a second thought of taking a life if he deemed it the best course of action.

So he encouraged Todoroki to ask for teachings under him. Not only would it help Endeavor confirm Enso's experience, but his son would grow stronger while building a connection to the mysterious Enso.

He remembered asking Todoroki how his training was commencing while also subtly asking for any info on Enso himself. But of course, with his son's rebellious nature towards him, he didn't learn too much other than Enso's teachings were effectively productive.

And so, Endeavor wanted a battle against the mysterious male himself to test his abilities, and he had that chance as final exams for U.A were nearing. The fact that Nezu invited him specifically to be the foe for Enso irked him, as it told him that the rodent knew something, and he seemed to be practically taunting him to take the challenge.

But, of course, Endeavor didn't refuse to fight. It was his chance to confirm his suspicions. To confirm if this boy could rival powerful heroes, to confirm through combat first-hand if Enso truly was something much more dangerous that he should investigate.

But their battle didn't satisfy Endeavor at all. There was that annoying hindrance, Shinso, who simply got in the way of the two. And there were also those damn arm bracers that forced him to mainly rely on his quirk since the increased weight limited his movement.

Well... in a way, Endeavor was still able to confirm that Enso was worth looking into. The way he had stabbed him in the back without any sign of hesitation or regret, the stoic look he had in his eyes despite the blood dripping on his dagger after he had pulled it out... It was as if he was used to inducing bloodshed.

Endeavor wasn't really one to look into anyone unless it involved investigating criminals for a connection to solve cases, but Enso just gave off a different aura compared to literally everyone else. And the fact that he was in the same class as his son pushed him to search this boy up.

Yet, he found nothing about him. Not a single thing.

Being the number two hero, he had access to a surplus of intel or could just use his position to get it. Yet, there was nothing to find. There was no one in the databanks named 'Enso Ureshi,' not even a birth certificate. There were no schools he's previously attended, no one with the same family name he had, and not even a birth certificate.

It was like he appeared from thin air.

Endeavor was going to look into this later. He'll most likely interrogate that rodent of a principal about it. He doubts that even a rather mentally dangerous individual like Nezu would let in someone with no background into U.A.

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