Obstacle Course and Team Forming (Retyped)

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The instant Midnight yelled 'start!', a horn blared and all of the students bolted into the tunnel. They did all they can to make it through the tunnel first, bumping into each other, shoving each other aside, and even trying to pull others back to push themselves ahead.

But Izuku knew better than to just rush in with the rest of them, especially after feeling the air turn cold around him.

"I gotta jump!"

He channeled Full Cowling and leaped over everybody just as the floor started to freeze underneath him. He shot towards the walls and just focused on not falling down.

He landed on the wall with his feet, then immediately jumping off and continuing forward by repeatedly jumping from wall to wall in a zig-zag manner.

He made it to the end of the tunnel in no time and jumped out into the light, grinning as many other students came out with him.

He saw Momo using a staff to pole vault over the ice, Aoyama used his naval laser to fly over, and nearly all of his other classmates were making it over one way or another.

Izuku stuck his legs out under him and landed on the ice, using it to skate forward and catch up to Todoroki.

He caught sight of a yellow blur zooming over him and getting ahead already.

"Enso's so fast! So this is his Snipe Style's movement!?"

Izuku reached the end of the ice and jumped off of it, landing on the dirt ground and proceeding to keep a steady but fast pace ahead with the others.

Ahead of him, Enso stopped and looked up once he caught sight of their first obstacle, "For the love of god..."

Izuku's pupils shrunk when he also caught sight of many large bodies ahead. "No way!"

Large and small robots alike rushed towards the upcoming students. They were all the different types of robots that had appeared at the entrance exam, but what made this sight worrying were the number of giant zero-point robots also within the bunch.

"Are they crazy!?" Izuku thought in worry, stopping in place due to being unable to get through easily.

He then saw one of the giant robots get entirely frozen with a coat of ice, stopping its movements in place.

Izuku caught sight of Todoroki running ahead between the frozen robot's legs.

"There's my opening!" Izuku was just about to launch forward, but the giant frozen robot suddenly began to fall forward, pieces of it falling apart as it did so.

"Crap! It'll be too risky to go forward now, or I could get crushed! So..." Izuku channeled power and leaped into the air. "I'll just have to jump over instead!"

He landed on a falling arm of the now destroyed robot, moving fast enough to run along it for a moment quickly before leaping off and landing onto it's falling head.

Upon landing on the head, Izuku didn't hesitate to leap off once more and get even further ahead, "I'm getting ahead!"

"Get out of the fucking way, Deku!"

"Or not."

Izuku couldn't even turn around entirely before he felt a sudden explosion on his back, sending him out of the way.

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